I Am Astounded

5.8K 79 15

It is currently the 1st of August, 2021. I started writing this book in December of 2016. Over the past (nearly) five years, a slow and steady, seething hatred for this book has been cultivated.

Unfortunately – for some reason, far beyond my comprehension and fathomable grasp of the human psyche – this book has just been incredibly popular. I don't know why and I fear my disappointment in humanity may worsen if I question it.

However, despite my despair over the stain on my writing skills that this book is and my desperate desire to delete it, I am forever grateful for the support this book has received. It's short and the characters are too powerful and the relationships are wack but for some reason, approximately 20 000 people have read this.

This book has 200K reads. That's baffling. I am confounded.

But I am so so honoured and I hope that you all live very blessed lives and know that you are loved. Thank you kindly and sincerely for the one thing that I can look to to feed my narcissism.

~ A Confuddled Author with Immense Gratitude

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