Change of Heart... or What's Left of it

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Dedicated to @jazminjohnson30. Thanks for the great feedback guys!


Before a sound could be made, the doors to the bar opened and in walked Rick Flag. "Go away." Croc growled out. "Yeah, we don't want you or your kind in here." Harley said as Rick sat down next to Floyd.

"Awww, calm down guys. Don't be so harsh, the poor baby looks like he's about to cry." Bonesnapper smirked as the criminals laughed. "I assume you read the part about me sleeping with her?" Rick muttered to Floyd.

"Of course." he grunted in reply. There was silence as the two stared at the bar counter, not noticing Bonesnapper getting up from her seat and strutting over to Boomerang. The said man looked up with a smirk and patted his leg in a gesture for her to sit.

She grinned and sat on his lap, straddling his waist as she licked her red lips. "You're so damn hot." he whispered lustfully as he grabbed her ass. "It is summer." she whispered in his ear sarcastically.

Boomerang could feel her curves as she leaned so close to him. He groaned with lust and pleasure as she stroked his arm. "I'm bored." she whined as she leaned against his muscular body. "Oh I'll make that go away." he muttered and then shoved his lips against hers.

She snaked her arms around his neck as he placed his one hand on her back and pushed her closer to him. His other hand gripped her one thigh as she tangled her long fingers in his hair. He moaned in satisfaction as she bit his bottom lip.

She moved her one hand and gripped his jaw, pushing his mouth against hers. He moved his hand on her back and grabbed her butt. "Gosh. You're so hot." he mumbled against her mouth before he kissed her desperately once more.

Suddenly Bonesnapper was ripped away from Boomerang and he was punched in the face. Bonesnapper was held securely in someone's arms as she was spun around to face them. Her bright silver eyes flickered up to meet Rick Flag's. A smirk formed on her face as she noticed that the soldier was glaring at Boomerang.

"Awww, I was enjoying that." she whined teasingly, just to egg him on. It worked, she noticed, as Rick growled threateningly to Boomerang. The blue-haired assassin untangled herself from Rick's unwilling grip and traced her finger down his arm.

"Oh don't be so protective. If you remember, you were the one who went to the Army again." she said with a grin and strutted away from him and out the door, following Floyd. "I hope you don't mind another member in your little expedition. I wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun." she said, her red lips in a smirk as she walked beside Floyd.

"I would never stop you." he said with a smirk and she laughed her deranged laugh.

♠ Joker ♠

The insane Joker groaned as he sat up on the crushed car. He had made a quick get away as the chopper went up in flames.

He did however land up falling onto a taxi. Oops? The crazy criminal climbed off the crumbled car and wobbled onto his feet.

He grinned once his legs were stable. His phonies were dead but at least Willo- Harley was alive.

His grin faltered as he realized something had changed inside of him. His deranged heart and mind were focused on a new and old target.

What is happening to me? He thought maliciously. He didn't like being attached, he hated it.

Somehow he knew that he was always attached. He knew there was always one weakness. One kink in his insane chain.

But he ignored it.

He didn't want distractions. His focus was on is goal. Will- GOTHAM! He growled in frustration.

"It can't be happening again. It can't be happening again. It can't be happening again..." he muttered to himself. He screamed out in frustration. Joker gripped his bright green hair and graoned.

♠3rd POV♠

Task Force X waited by the stairs for the signal boredly. Harley was talking to Floyd about being in love and Katana was crying to her sword.

Bonesnapper was picking her nails and sighing. She was bored and wanted the killing to start. She ran an elegant hand through her striking blue hair and sighed once more.

Rick Flag walked over to her and sat down. "If you don't stop sighing you'll get asma." he said. "I don't get sick." she replied simply and her silver eyes glanced towards him.

"Look... I'm sorry abou-" he started to say but was cut of my Bonesnapper. "Don't go apologizing about your girlfriend to your ex-girlfriend. I honestly don't care about it. About her. Or about you. I'm a criminal. Did you honesty think it would work out?" she asked as she turned her head towards him.

He stared at her agape. "I was in love with you..." he said in dismay. "And you still went to the Army again? She where youre going with this? I still dont care about it. Whether we kill your girlfriend or not today, doesn't mean anything to me." she explained as she turned her head forward again.

"You really are a heartless psychopath." he said and she just burst out laughing, tears streaming out of her enchanting eyes. "Was that supposed to hurt me?" she got out before she started laughing again.

All the criminals stared at her with a wistful look in their eyes. She looked like a beautiful Angel when she laughed. Her startling eyes scrunched up and her red lips open to reveal her perfect teeth as her head bent back.

Rick Flag glared at her and walked forward again, hearing the signal and telling everyone to move in.

Bonesnapper stood up, wiping her eyes and made her way to follow the group but stopped in her tracks when she heard her name. Her real name.


She turned her head behind her and saw nothing. "Now is not the time stupid voices." she muttered to herself. 'Ey! We didn't say nothin'!' Her voices replied back but she just sighed and turned forward again.


She stopped once more and turned fully behind her. "Y'all better stop before I catastrate you." she said with her hands on her curvy hips as she stared at the steps.

Suddenly she saw a white hand. Now, any normal person's reaction would be to scream and run away 'cause let me tell you, that had was flippen pale and looked like it was bleached.

But we all know that this silver-eyed assassin was not normal. She also knew that hand. The small black tattoos and the pale bleached skin.

She smirked and walked forward, her black heels clicking on the tiled steps. "Well. Glad to know you came by, but also surprised you didn't talk to your girlfriend. She was in sobbing tears after she thought you died. Well, I guess she doesn't know you like I do. But I was rather upset you hadn't kept in touch the last few years. And heart broken that you had moved on." Bonesnapper talked as she walked down, placing a hand on her heart with fake sorrow at her last sentence.

She turned the corner and grinned as she saw him. Her second love.

His longer green hair. Pale, bleached skin. His red lips pulled into a crazy grin. His silver teeth shining. His crystal perfect blue eyes. The small J tattoo next to his eye and the large tattoo of a Willow tree peaking out past his collar.

"You need a hair cut my clown."

So sorry for the late update guys!
And really short chapter... eish

BONESNAPPER»» SUICIDE SQUADKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat