Chapter 14

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I woke up groggy and a little annoyed. Sharp pains shot through my tightened muscles as I attempted to stand, or at least put my paws under me. No one was in the bright room except me, and the silence was annoying me greatly. Only one place could do that, and that was Kayla's pack territory.

I don't remember much from the day before, all I know is that I was shot with a wolfsbane filled silver bullet. Tough thing to remember, especially if that's all you remember from the previous day. Oh well.

Seemed like they got bored of leaving me alone since some doctors with clip boards came in. They seemed surprise to see me awake and ready to go. Not exactly ready to go, but you get what I mean. They untied restraints that were around my legs, probably the reason I couldn't stand, and I was up like lightning.

Me and my wolf wanted out of the retched place more then anything. The smell of the pack was like poisoned air floating onto my tongue and into my lungs. It was suffocating, and I wanted to get rid of that feeling. But not everyone wanted me to leave, and it resulted with a bunch of guard wolves dog piling me.

Now that was cruel. Almost to freedom and I get dog piled by a bunch of immature wolves. Kayla came into my field of view and I snarled. She seemed concerned, but I knew better. She would rather have rogues like me die instead of live, but I don't know what's stopping her from ripping me to shreds right here and now.

She kneeled beside me, placing a hand on my head before looking at the wolves on top of me.

"Let him up."

It was quiet, almost barely heard, but I could hear the command in it. They had no choice but to let me up, and as soon as they were off of me, I bolted. Kayla shouted out, yelling at everyone to close all entrances and block windows.

Seemed like they had already seen my want to escape coming because all the windows were blocked and the doors were locked. I let out a low growl, my ears folded back as I felt more cornered as more wolves piled into the cramped space. I recognized every one of them yet it seemed as if none of them knew me.

Made sense, considering I was nothing but an omega the last time they saw me. Well, ignored me. Snarls erupted from my chest, a look of fear crossing the faces of those in the radius of my anger and fear. Kayla and Aria emerged from the crowd, watching as I was freaking out in the corner.

Not a few seconds later, the wolves had backed up, allowing me to calm down just enough for my anger to take over the fear.

"Zane. Calm down."

Those words came from Kayla. Seemed like she still thought she could control me with an Alpha's command. She thought wrong. I let out a loud snarl, baring my sharp teeth. Aria looked at me with pleading eyes, silently begging me to listen.

I hadn't wanted Kayla to ever speak my name again, let alone know who I was. No doubt Aria had something to do with it. It probably happened when I got shot. Aria's stupid mouth had told my ex-mate my name, and now I had no other option but to growl and snarl in a corner.

Aria walked forward a few steps, only to be stopped by Kayla. Kayla was looking at her with pleading eyes, almost like she was begging her to not come any closer to me. Seems like they became the best of friends while I was gone. Not like that mattered to me.

None of them were any of my concern anymore, as if they were in the first place. I whimpered as soon as Aria's hand touched my head. She was the only one I could trust, and she broke it by yelling my name where everyone could hear it.

She went to kneel down in front of me, relief on her face. That was until I sharply barked, my teeth bared again. My original eye colored showed for a split second, making everyone in the room gasp. They were silenced by my eye color being replaced with Lyall's eye color.

I was soon back to pacing in the corner, a glare written on my face as I stared at all the people who caused me torment, Aria now included. She brought me here, so it's her fault. She should've just let me die on school grounds. Would've been better for Kayla and for me.

My eyes snapped around the room, frantic voices entering my ears as I frothed at the mouth. The more I thought, the angrier I got, and the more I wanted to tear everyone apart, piece by piece. My thoughts blended together, making everything a jumbled mess. The only thing that was clear to me was the need to kill.

I glanced at the figures standing before me, all of them talking or yelling, I couldn't be sure. All I knew is that they had blood pumping through their delicate bodies, and that I could easily tear their flesh. I didn't try to process my thoughts since allowing them to control me was way easier.

No struggle and no worries if I'm doing the wrong thing. I lunged, missing a leg by a few inches. Apparently I can't aim for large limbs, especially ones on a large male like the one I just went after. My jaws snapped shut, the clicking sound of my teeth getting me excited.

Their flesh was so close to my teeth, their blood so close to my mouth. A little taste would be all I need to want more. Now don't mistake me for a vampire, I dislike those creatures.

I just really love the feeling of blood running down my throat, flesh in my teeth. I guess you could call it primal instinct or something like that. It's almost like I went full on feral.

"Restrain him!! Protect Alpha K!!"

That sentence was all I heard before I collapsed to the floor, my body unable to move.

Sup guys!! How's it goin'? Good? Great. Anyways, new chapter, and a little longer story. I promise I'm trying my hardest to update quickly, and this next chapter should come a bit faster then this one did. Wish me luck!


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