Chapter 17

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Fear filled the living room, pack members trembling with the emotion. The only sound that could be heard was the snarling of wolves fighting, creating tension in the area. Everyone knew who it was. Not everyone knew the reason for the battle.

Kayla fought with all her strength, trying her best to pummel me into the ground. Both of us had wounds, hers a bit more serious then mine. I kept moving, able to avoid the wrath of her snapping jaws. She wasn't as lucky, her fur matted with the blood from her small wounds. Pack members of all ages were surrounding us, all of them watching on in terror. They feared what would happen if one of us died, though most of the fear was for Kayla.

I snarled with rage, Lyall showing in my eyes. I could hear Kayla's wolf shouting out, trying to get us to stop. Both me and my wolf were all for the fight, though we didn't take it seriously. In the back of my mind, I knew I didn't want to kill my mate. But I didn't want her to control me either. I growled, feeling Kaylas teeth slice through my flank. It stung, but the adrenaline covered over the pain.

Her wolf must've broken through her control because she shook her head, her wolf's eyes looking into mine. She was pleading with me to stop, but I took this moment to attack. I lunged forward, tackling her. I kept my jaws locked around her neck, ready to make the final blow if she didn't back down. My body hovered over hers, showing her my dominance.

Without hesitation, she curled her tail toward her belly and went into a submissive position. When she did that, I got off of her and walked away, never turning my back on her. Pure anger filled my eyes, but I didn't move a muscle. As soon as she was on her feet, she shook her fur and looked at me with a sad look. Her eyes went back to normal and she glared at me before turning and running.

I wasn't Alpha of the pack yet. The pack had to accept me before I had that power. But I just proved my dominance to her and I wouldn't let it go. I felt a hand on my back and my head whipped around, startling Aria. My eyes softened a bit when I realized it was her, but I could still feel the anger deep inside me. She motioned for me to follow her and I did, ignoring the small injuries I had gained during the fight.

Aria led me to an empty room, away from the rest of the pack. She looked at me with an accusing glare, her arms crossed as she waited for me to shift back. I wasn't one to listen to silent commands, or any commands at all, but I listened this time. I shifted back, looking at her with my wolf present in my eyes.

"What was that?!"

I was expecting her to ask, her yelling surprising me a little.

"You didn't have to attack her, and you certainly didn't have to dominate her."

She snarled around, her own wolf beginning to show. I snarled in return, my wolf already on edge from the fight.

"I did what I had to do. She needed to learn that she can't control me."

My voice was rough, my wolf contributing to the difficulty of talking normally. Aria rolled her eyes, her wolf showing in her eyes. It was obvious that she was thinking about something, so I stood impatiently. All I really wanted to do was leave this place, but even with Aria mad, I would keep my promise. She looked like she wanted to shift and knock some sense into me, but even she knew that she shouldn't attack me. I was too wild and an unprovoked attack would lead to a battle to the death.

"I can't believe you. She's your mate and you just attack her like it's nothing!"

I snarled a little, hearing a protective tone mixed with her anger.

"You're sided with her?"

My anger was combined with disbelief. I didn't want to believe it, but I quickly figured out why she was yelling at me.

"You may have become friends with her, but we've known each other longer. You're just going to side with a girl you've only known for about a month?"

She didn't say anything, just nodded and looked away. I ran a hand through my hair aggressively, feeling the urge to rip something apart. I shook my head, my wolf taking over. I shifted, running off. I knew the border patrol wouldn't let me leave, though I could fight through them if I wanted to. I howled out my anger, every wolf in the area shivering with the power that single howl held.

I quickly find the scent trail of a nearby rogue and I snarled. I took off after the rogue, my body passing through the thickly wooded area with ease. It didn't take long to find the worthless beast, his stench filling my nose once more. My hind legs propel me forward, my jaws locking around the back of his neck.

He yelped, not getting more then a whimper before I quickly ended his life. I wanted blood, and the rogues blood wasn't enough to satisfy me. I didn't know where I could find anymore. The rogues were keeping away from Kayla's territory, knowing about me and how I murdered their friends. Only the strongest came near the territory now. Once again, that didn't matter to me. My paws carry me far, though I never leave the territory. I could smell the patrolling wolves nearby, and I knew Kayla had told them to stop me from leaving.

I hated that she tried to keep me here, even though it was obvious I wanted to leave. It made me thirst for more blood and I knew I had to get it and soon. I couldn't smell anything else other then the pack members, and my blood boiled. I snarled, knowing that the nearby wolves could hear me. I took off in the opposite direction, not taking time to glance around. I kept running, almost sure I was nearing the other side of the territory.

I ignored the thought of any other wolves watching me, even though I knew there were some waiting nearby. A gust of wind brought the scent of a few animals to my nose, and I took off in their direction. I didn't move as fast as before, knowing that the creatures would hear me before I managed to reach them. As soon as I was within a few yards, I slowed down. Even when I was extraordinarily angry, I was able to calm my mind and wolf enough to get some food. I moved forward slowly, launching at the deer my nose had caught wind of. I felt a strong force hit my side, bruising my ribs and causing me to go flying. I land with a thud, hearing my game run away. I look up, the sun in my eyes. But as soon as I see the persons face, I snarl.

Omega Rejected Alpha Regret It | Wattys 2017/2018 | Completed|Where stories live. Discover now