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Chapter Eight

I embraced Alfie tightly, crying silently into his chest. He held me back, not caring that I was probably staining his nice shirt.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," he murmured to me.

Dominic was only standing a few feet away, but he wasn't jumping in to stop me. "I hate him, I hate him," I sobbed. "I can't do this. I can't be here."

"Sure you can, Cara. You're strong, this is nothing you can't handle."

I leaned away from him, shaking my head. "I can't. Please help me get away from here."

"Caroline," Dominic hissed warningly. "Alfie, maybe I should-"

"No, no. She isn't serious. She's just sad and afraid," Alfie assured him. "Just let me do this, make her feel better."

Dominic sighed, turning to his beta, who was watching Alfie with fond eyes. "Let's go talk in my office. Let them talk."

Alfie embraced me until they shut the door behind them, and then pulled back. "Tonight. Before the dinner where he'll announce you. Andrew and Dominic will be busy with getting everything perfect, and they'll leave us alone. Which means you and I will have time to get you out of here," he whispered to me. "If we plan anything too big, they'll notice. So we're just going to wing it. Some of the people visiting are so rich, they have chauffeurs. All you have to do is sneak into one of those cars and get out."

I nodded hurriedly. "B-but what about the mark?"

"It's fresh enough that within about a month it'll fade. It'll hurt, but it'll go away."


Dominic watched me dress with both lustful and adoring eyes. "That dress is so gorgeous on you," he said quietly, in reference to the simple white sundress I was wearing. "It's classy."

I didn't say anything in reply, and he got up from where he sat to stand behind me. "Sugar, I know you are really struggling with the mark, but I think it's best for us right now. I wouldn't have crossed that line if I didn't think so." He kissed the side of my face, sighing deeply. "Beautiful."

"Your Shifters are going to hate me."

He shook his head. "Never. A queen like you will be loved. You're beautiful and smart and strong."

"I'm human."

"You have a Shifter's soul. They need you. Someone who understands both worlds." His kisses trailed to my ear. "That being said, I have to do this."

A metal bracelet clipped around my wrist, and he bolted to clip the other end to the bed rail, locking me in place.

"I can't let yours and Alfie's little plan go through. Andrew has him locked away in their room. I'll be back in half an hour to bring you to dinner." He held my chin, kissing me forcefully but gently. "Stay."

"Dominic!" I squeaked. "You aren't serious!"

He was trying to control his anger. "Alfie committed a serious crime trying to take you away from me. Count yourself lucky that I'm only keeping you two apart for thirty minutes. I have the power to kill him for doing so, but I'm choosing to be the better man."

I gritted my teeth, fists clenching. "I hate you! You are the monster people said that you are. You ruin everything, and this so-called act of 'mercy' means nothing," I snapped.

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