Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

C A R O L I N E 

Dominic was standing in the doorway, fists clenched and body panting, shaking even. His eyes went straight to my face and softened for a split second, seeing the obvious fear and distress I was in, before turning the anger on Scott. "What was that you were about to say, Scott?" he growled.

Scott must not have connected the dots, because he carelessly dragged me to stand in front of him. "This human just threatened me. She thinks her mate could do anything-"

"Oh, kid. I not only can do anything. I will do everything. Everything you could imagine, to remind you and the rest of the pack what happens when you touch something that doesn't belong to you. Especially my mate."

Scott released me like I was on fire and I stumbled to Dominic hurriedly and clumsily, immediately burying my face in his chest, the mild touch cooling the fire of the mark slightly. "Please take me home, Dominic. I wanna go home," I gushed hurriedly. "I just want to go home."

His hand cupped the back of my head gently, murmuring to me that it would be okay and that he would take me home soon. "Scott. Tomorrow you will go before the Elders and I to find a suitable punishment for your transgression against the future Luna and Queen," Dominic announced. "If I were you, I'd start praying to whatever God you believe in."

"Alpha Dom, come on, man. She was whoring herself around. You can't blame me for assuming she was available. If anyone here should go on trial, it's her for acting like a tramp and parading around a party," Scott snarled.

Dominic let out a growl so loud and deep that even my body shook with the power of it. He carefully pushed me behind him. "Jeff," he barked to the new beta. "Take Caroline to the car."

"No! Dominic, Dom, please," I whimpered. "Do this later. I just want to go home. I want to go home with you."

Dominic locked gazes with me for a short while before shaking his head. "No one, and I mean no one, is going to get away with speaking to you like that. And no man should get away with blaming a woman for his inability to control himself." Dominic turned back to Scott, who was looking less angry and more scared now. "When my father was king, do you know what punishment there was for sexually assaulting a mated female?"

All the color drained from Scott's face. "N-no, sir. But I didn't sexually assault her. I'm sure she wanted it-"

"Who witnessed the altercation with the Luna and Scott?" Dominic demanded. At least a dozen hands lifted into the air. "Did the Luna tell him to stop?" Silence. "Did she tell him to stop?!"

A girl cleared her throat, stammering out her answer. "Yes, Alpha. She was crying and trying to push him off too. But he wouldn't," she claimed.

Jeff started to back away, letting me rest most of my weight against him. "Come, Luna. Let's get you settled-"

"No. I... I want to see this. I'm not going without Dominic."

He sighed heavily, shaking his head amusedly. "This is about to get pretty exciting. Just don't get in his way."

Dominic took a step closer to Scott. "For generations, when a male tried to obstruct a marking by sexual assault, they were castrated, by the woman he assaulted. Technically, this has not been outlawed by myself yet, but I have not encountered anyone deserving of that yet. Until tonight."

"Alpha Dominic, come on... You can't be serious. Lighten up, man. It was all just part of the fun and games of parties, right, Luna? You're alright. We were just playing-"

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