Twenty Eight

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I'm updating this at work so I could get in trouble for this but lol yolo 

also I cut my bangs myself last night bc quarter life crisis.

Chapter Twenty Eight

Nina started pacing as she spoke on the phone, conveniently walking around to thee side of the tree I was hiding behind. She didn't notice me at first, not until a twig snapped under my foot as I tried to cover myself. Her eyes snapped up to me and her eyes narrowed, stopping mid sentence.

"I gotta go, ma," she said darkly, hanging up quickly.

Part of me wanted to run for it, but I ignored it and straightened up, glaring at her. "I didn't realize you got such good cell reception out here," I claimed.

Nina snorted, brushing a hand calmly through her hair. "You think you're funny, don't you?"

"I have to tell Dominic," I replied, instead of playing her game.

The girl sighed dramatically, now inspecting her nails, which her painted a deep, reddish purple color and were super long. Long enough to claw my eyes out if she wanted. Though we both knew I could easily take her down. "Of course you're going to tell him. It would be stupid of you not to. But it doesn't make any difference. Jeff is the best warrior in all of the packs he has visited. No one has bested him. Alpha Dominic is out of practice and distracted by trying to tame a human."

"Why aren't you on the pack run?" I asked suspiciously.

Nina grinned coyly. "Jeff and I are trying for our first pup. I told him that I think I might be pregnant, so I didn't have to go. I don't think Shifters of higher ranks should run alongside the rest of the pack. It is unorganized."

I crossed my arms over my chest, rolling my eyes. "God forbid you procreate. How did Jeff get stuck with you anyways, since you two aren't true mates?"

Her eyes flamed in bristled agner, completely thrown that I had that knowledge. It wasn't hard to tell. True Mates were rare and Jeff and her were like polar opposites. Nina was an Omega at birth, but had some strong genes. Jeff was a drifter once he turned eighteen, traveling from pack to pack to find his place, but he came from a long line of Betas. Plus Jeff was actually likeable and not a complete snake. Yes, it was disappointing he wanted to Challenge Dom, but it happened. Jeff could be a good Alpha, though his selected mate could never rule as a good Luna.

And it was still questionable if I could be a Luna, at least I wasn't obsessed with power and felt above everyone else. I got a little grumpy at times, especially around Dom, but can you blame me?

"Our parents arranged it. But I do love him. He is strong, a natural born leader. Like me. And unlike you."

She thought I would find that offensive. I didn't. But I was getting tired of this arguing but skirting around the subject game we were doing. "Do you truly think the two of you are more suited for the thrones than Dominic is? It's in his blood, it has been passed down to him from generation to generation."

"This isn't about Dominic so much as it is about you and what you're doing to him, Cara. You distract him. More than you should. He has to worry about what trouble you're causing and if you've escaped him. Dominic has been unable to put all of his focus into his job as the alpha ever since he brought you back," Nina explained. Then she sighed dramatically and sadly. "You know, if the circumstances were different, I think we could have been friends. You aren't stupid or a bad person. And I don't have anything against humans, really. Just the mixture of your personality and the fact that you're not a Shifter, plus mixed in with what Dominic needs you to be and who he is... It just won't do."

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