Twenty Seven

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It's been almost a month since I last updated... whoops. 

Love you guys! 

Any of you checked out my newer story Hideout yet? What do you think so far? 

Rock on, babes. 

Chapter Twenty Seven

The bed shifted behind me, making me jolt awake and go into fighting mode. "Shh, sugar, it's just me," Dominic hummed, kissing the side of my face repeatedly to soothe me.

I glanced at the clock on the bedside table and groaned, rolling onto my back to glare up at him in confusion. "Dom, it's six in the morning," I grumbled groggily. I opened my mouth to talk, but he pressed a glass of cool water to my lips instead.

"I know you like having some water as soon as you wake up. Your voice is a little scratchy too," he explained with a small smile, sitting down at my side. "Good morning, Caroline. You're looking beautiful today."

I sighed deeply, grabbing a pillow and yanking it over my face. "What is going onnnn?" I whined. "Why are you up?"

Dominic laughed, setting the glass aside before rubbing my stomach. "I am going on a run. And didn't want you to wake up alone and confused. Sorry to wake you." He stole the pillow from me with his free hand, leaning in to wait for a kiss. "Give me a kiss goodbye."

"Morning breath," I reminded him, pointing at my mouth. In reality, I didn't want to mess with his morning breath. He was a mouth breather at night, probably would turn into a massive snorer in a few years too. The last thing I wanted was to get near that mouth without him having brushed his teeth.

With an eye roll, he cupped my cheek to hold my face in place while he stole a small kiss, his warm lips leaving a lingering taste of mint. "I'll be back soon, alright? And then we must-"

"Could I go?" I asked, mouth moving ahead of my brain. Immediately after, I wasn't sure why I said that. I didn't really want to go with him, did I? That idea came from nowhere. Or it came from the mark.

Dominic grimaced regretfully. "Sorry, Cara. Not this time. It's a pack run."

"Oh. That's fine. I really didn't want to go. Why cardio when I can sleep? Or do anything else?"

Apparently I was the only one who found this funny, because after a blank look, he ignored my comment and moved on. "Would you like to see us off? That would be really good to show everyone. They'll think you're involved and want to be part of the pack lifestyle, even when you can't fully participate," Dominic claimed. "It'll help a lot later today."

I was already awake, so why not? There wasn't any way I was going to fall back asleep, so might as well do something worthwhile. I nodded, holding out my arms so he could help me sit up. "I think I like you best in the morning," Dominic said, pulling me up and into his arms. "You're much more docile."

"I'll still fight you," I reminded him. "Don't tempt me."

He laughed, kissing the corner of my mouth affectionately. "I won't, I won't. Come on, sugar. Throw on some leggings and brush your teeth and meet me downstairs."

Just before Dominic turned to leave, I grabbed his arm, holding him still. "What's going on?" I asked skeptically. I wasn't stupid. Dominic can't just go from butthead to perfect boyfriend in the space of twenty four hours. He was hiding something.

His expression faltered for just a moment, but it was enough for my thoughts to be proven. "Ha! So there is something. What?" I poked his sternum expectantly and probably obnoxiously.

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