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Hey, guys! I've been feeling quite down lately, which is the only excuse I have for some late updates. For a while there I was doing really well, I think. As of now, I'm having what I call a "grey" phase, where I just feel blah and yucky and kinda sad. So instead of working on homework(the rough draft of a 12-15 page essay), I am doing something that makes me happy. Which is writing and posting two updates - this and the Lion and the Lamb.

 If you guys haven't read Lion and the Lamb, you could use it to pass the time while waiting for my next update on here? It is a fanfiction, though, unlike this one. 

Okay. Anyways. Enjoy, you beautiful people. Hopefully next time I update I will be in a better mood. But quick sappy moment: I really appreciate the ability to come on here and do something that makes me happy. I love interacting with you guys and seeing your reactions and thoughts about the story and the characters. It means a lot. So thank you. You mean the world to me. 

Chapter Nine

Dominic leaned toward me a little while later, finally releasing me from the hell that was this dinner.

"Go up to our room. I'll meet you up there in a minute."

He attempted to kiss me after that, but I quickly evaded him, earning a sharp glare. "We need to talk later. See you in a moment," he added.

I scooted out of the chair and stormed into the house, not missing the snickers and mean whispers being angled towards me.

I hurried up to the bedroom, grabbing the comforter and reclining on the couch. This time, I wouldn't let him use his voodoo magic on me to make me pass out. I wasn't going to sleep with him this time.

"Get on the bed, princess," Dominic grumbled when he came in five minutes later. "After tonight, I am not in the mood to play."

"Then don't."

"This is why everyone is worried about you being my queen. You act-"

I threw a pillow at him. "They're right, Dominic! I'm not right for this! You need to get that through your thick skull!"

"Caroline, this is the last time I'm going to say this. I do not care what the hell they all think. I want you. I gave you my mark-"

"You mean you forced it upon me?"

He growled at me, and in a flash he had me off of the couch and pressed into the nearest wall, his eyes blazing orange as he tried to contain his wolf. "You are mine. You were nothing before me - without me, you'd be stuck alone in that pack, Alfie wouldn't even care about you anymore. No one would want someone as headstrong and obnoxious as you."

"You're wrong!" I snapped, but his words hurt. They struck a chord within me.

"Sorry to tell you, sugar, but I'm not. Not that any of that matters anymore, since you're with me now, wearing my mark, and in a few days you will officially rule with me," he said softly. "As my queen, my mate."

I grunted as I tried to get out from underneath him, but he just held me tighter, forcing one of his knees between mine, splitting my legs apart. I gasped in a frantic surprise, trying to jerk away from him. "Hold still, gorgeous."

"What're you doing?" I gushed, my anger fading while my fear was rising.

"I'm going to show you how well I could take care of you, if you'd only let me."

He touched my hips, lifting me up to sit on his waist. "I don't know what's worse. How infuriating you are, or how much it turns me on," he hummed, leaning towards me, his head tucking into my neck. "I'm the only one who can give you the pleasure you want, you know. You think that little trick I played on you felt good, that's nothing. Only a sliver."

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