nine: banana suit billy

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lennon || noah


what are the odds that you were
also at the bonfire tonight?

what are the odds you were
running around the beach
in the banana suit?

i have to keep mystery a factor
if i'm even going to come
close to impressing
the one and only
lennon carter

okay dr. seuss

what were you wearing tonight?


wow what a surprise

the real question is why
are you still up at 2 AM

i was thinking about lemons

you must be really drunk

so i have this question

you might as well ask it
because i know you're
going to tell me anyways

are you the kind of
girl that always waits for
the guy to text her first?

no, of course not

oh, the things i do for you

i am not that girl

but you are
when was the last time
you texted me first?


that's right

did that make you feel better?

a little bit

i have one more thing to tell
you before we say goodnight

please don't tell me you love me

i'm drunk but not that drunk

thank god

i'm much more in like with you

stop making me
question your sobriety

that was my friend billy
in the banana suit today

he's kinda cute
in a dorky way

yeah he's a total stud

but do you want to
know something else?


i'm cuter
in a totally non-dorky way


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