eighteen: twilight

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lennon || billy


the faint curl of billy's lips distracts lennon for a split second before she pulls herself together.

"jackass really has a ring to it, doesn't it?"

he laughs, throwing his head back just far enough so that his damp golden hair kisses his shoulder blades. his hair looks longer when the curls are flat.

"and so does lemon."

"are you defending noah?"

"would you really rather be called lime?" he asks, biting on the edge of his tongue with his teeth. "that rhymes with slime, you know."

"where is noah, anyway?"

"he doesn't really like the beach much." billy shrugs, fiddling with the leather bracelets tied around his tanned wrists.

"but it's beach week," lennon tilts her head to the right just slightly, "what's even the point of being here if you're not see the sun?"

"he prefers to stay inside. it's easier for him."

"why would anyone do that?"


"oh my god. is noah a vampire?"

"oh come on, lennon."

"don't you 'oh come on' me, billy. this must be why noah's so cynical all the time. because he's immortal and he has to constantly relocate and leave the people he loves. now it makes total sense."

"it sounds like you've watched twilight too many times and many episodes of the vampire diaries."

"you can never have enough of edward cullen and damon and stefan salvatore."

billy grimaces, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. "what makes you think noah's cynical?"

"he doesn't like christmas," she deadpans. "who the hell doesn't like christmas? it's the happiest time of the year."

"so maybe noah doesn't like a lot of things, but do you wanna know one thing he does like?"




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