twenty four: drunk phone calls

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lennon || noah || olivia


olivia and lennon sit on the couch with a bowl of popcorn between them, their minds focused on everything but the movie playing on the television screen. while olivia repaints her nails, lennon twists her hair into a makeshift bun on top of her head.

"are you sure he goes to our school?" lennon asks, twisting a loose strand of hair around her finger.

with confidence, olivia says, "ninety percent sure."

"and what happened to the other ten percent?"

"too many margaritas, that's what."

"do you think noah also goes to our school then?"

before olivia gets the chance to answer, lennon's phone rings, vibrating against the surface of the coffee table in front of them. they both lean forward and glance at the screen, eyes lighting up at the name on the display.

︎⚐ incoming call: noah lyons ⚐

"are you actually going to answer it this time?" olivia asks, sealing her bottle of nail polish. "i think this is a sign."

"might as well."

︎⚐ current call with noah lyons ︎⚑

"you finally picked up the phone," noah slurs, his voice and words a foreign territory lennon has yet to navigate.

"it'd be better if you weren't drunk," she says with a hint of laughter at the end of her sentence.

"that makes it all the more fun."

"why'd you call me?"

"because i wanted to tell you something and i couldn't do it if i wasn't drunk."

"what did you want to tell me, noah?"

"i don't know what it is about you, but you make me nervous. i know it's hard to believe, but it's true, but the truth is i like you, lennon. and i'm not just saying it because i'm drunk. i'm being serious. i really like you."


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