Chapter Thirteen

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Rachel woke the next day to see the sun shining through the window by her bed in spite of the still drawn curtains. Remarkably it seemed she'd slept through the night. Her head felt a bit foggy and her body ached, but the bed was soft beneath her, the blankets warm and inviting. One night of true rest had definitely helped her feel better, the embrace of comfort almost wiping away memories of the metal cage she had been confined to not one day ago. Blinking against the light leaking into the room she sat up, trying to gain her bearings in the still unfamiliar space.

In the light of day Alice's bedroom seemed even more plain than it had the night before. It was clean, that was certainly evident. The dark chestnut walls gave the room a certain warmth but the overall feel of the space was stark. Rachel's own home had not had much ornamentation, but at least there had been a few of her mother's embroideries hanging on the walls. Alice seemed to have no need of such embellishments. 

The walls here were entirely bare. The lovely vanity and dresser decorating the space were simple and immaculately free of clutter. On a desk by the window, she could make out a neat stack of papers and silver cup, filled with a variety of pens. Beside the desk stood a sizable bookshelf, filling with more books than Rachel had ever seen. Mama and Papa had only owned a few. 

How could a slave own so much? she wondered. Rachel propped herself up to try and get a better view of the bookshelf, but she was startled by the sound of the door opening as Alice walked into the room.

"You're awake I see," the older woman said, setting down a small bundle she was holding. "I was just coming to check in on you. You were fast asleep by the time I returned last night."

Walking briskly  to the bed, Alice looked Rachel over, checking the wounds on her arms and back, as well as  the bruising around her eye. Rachel was too afraid to stop her, but though her manner was brisk, she could tell Alice was doing her best to be gentle.

"I'll apply more salve this evening," Alice said, "but for now, none of your injuries appear particularly worrisome. You'll be sore a bit longer perhaps, but I see no sign of infection." She put the back of her hand to Rachel's forehead.

"Good," she said, "no fever either. I was a bit worried last night. Rebellious hunger strike aside, you were so pale. But sleep seems to have served you well. Are you hungry?"

Rachel looked down at her hands. She was hungry. It had been more than a day now since the slavers had forced the gray goo down her throat, and she had eaten little since, only nibbling at the crackers her new sibla master had offered on their ride to his estate. Fear had kept her appetite at bay, but now her stomach growled.

Alice pressed her lips together in thought as she eyed her intently. "Perhaps I should ask, will you eat?" When Rachel hesitated to answer, Alice came and sat beside her on the bed.

"I am sorry if I was gruff when you arrived," she said. "You were and unexpected surprise and I did not handle it well. I hope you can forgive me."

Rachel was shocked to hear the woman's tone so softened. She nodded slowly accepting Alice's apology and the old woman gave her a small sad smile.

"And I am sorry for what happened to you child," she said. "I should not have belittled your suffering. I know it must still be difficult to accept the fate that has befallen you, but know that all of us have been through pain. Under Magnus's roof, we are safe. In exchange for your servitude, you will be well fed, clothed, and cared for. Protected from a world where human beings are subjected to so much cruelty under other masters. You can be happy here," she said, putting a comforting hand on Rachel's shoulder.

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