Bonus Chapters: Alice's Choice part I

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Welcome to the bonus material! In honor of reaching 100k reads ( still in shock) I have decided to release a pov not included in After Humanity. When writing difficult scenes I will often imagine them from a new perspective to " get them right."

Alice is a character who peaked my curiosity from the moment she popped into my head and I think seeing her from Rachel and Magnus's perspectives often doesn't do justice to the true inner thoughts in her head. Thus, I actually wrote quite a few scenes from her pov to portray her more faithfully on the page.

One instance where she looks particularly monstrous? Olivia's death. After all, Torvald implies she had a choice in who might face slaughter. But what would that section of the story look like from Alice's pov.... you are about to find out! Enjoy😊



"You have to choose Alice," Torvald said.

It was what I had been dreading since Magnus's brother first arrived on the estate. I knew he would not allow me to exist without some degree of suffering. I had hoped he could not be so cruel, but there is was. A command


How could I possibly do so? The horror of the moment felt surreal.

"If you do not, I will," he prompted. "That girl you keep by your side perhaps..."

"Rachel is the most valuable slave he owns," I replied, trying desperately to keep the panic from my voice and remain respectful. He was not asking my opinion as an equal. He was purposefully torturing me. If I was not careful there was no telling what he might do.

"She will not be if he keeps her much longer," Torvald countered as he shook his head and sighed. "But it was not the child I was referring to."


A cold shiver traveled through my body. No. I couldn't let him take her. Not Kathryn. I'd worked too hard to keep her with me. I couldn't lose her! I could see that my fears were entirely transparent as Torvald watched me intently. His mouth curled into a cruel smile.

"If you have another suggestion I would be willing to consider it," Torvald mused, as if it were not the life of the girl I loved that hung in the balance. "The animal that lives in your kitchen is often followed by another similarly appetizing creature. Her name begins with an O I believe." He looked at the ledger in front of him. "Olivia."

The sick feeling in my stomach only grew. Kathryn's best friend. Olivia was a sweet girl and one I cared for greatly. She was kind and generous. She was the youngest of Magnus's flock aside from Rachel herself. Only barely seventeen. Even younger than Kathryn.

"Well?" Torvald prompted, clearly enjoying my pain. "This is your job is it not, Alice? You are overseer to my brother's human stock. I wish for advisement and these are the two animals from which I will choose." He paused, allowing the horror his words to sink in fully.

"Or perhaps I should not ask you at all and make the decision on my own if this makes you uncomfortable. I have always suspected that Magnus was wrong about your true capabilities."

I knew I could not lose the chance to protect the one I cared for so much. I could not risk Kathryn. I could not take the chance he might call my bluff...

"Olivia," I said. The name tasted like bile in my mouth as I fought to hold back the nausea rising from my stomach.

"And why might I choose her over the other?" he pressed.

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