Chapter Thirty-Five

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So, recap since its been awhile. Recall Magnus and Alice's fight after the lamb slaughter experiment. The experiment had left Rachel comforted at first by how kind he was to his animals but then she had nightmares... In spite of that, when they argued ( before Magnus left for Torvald's) Alice said that she intended to move Rachel with the others. Hopefully all of that tracks but let me know if you find this jump jarring.



It was strange how quickly the summer seemed to pass. Faster than the blink of an eye. It wasn't long before the sun began to set earlier and the leaves on the trees started changing. Inspired by the cooler air, their foliage was soon painted in an aray of dazzling reds and oranges, all gilded in brown and gold tints. As beautiful as the estate had been in the spring and summer, the brightly colored world Rachel found herself surrounded by seemed even more lovley. Fall had always been her favorite season.

After the oppressive heat of the late summer, it was nice to once again feel the brisk cold of the season and smell burning firewood in the air from the hearths Alice now kept lit in both the slave quarters and the main house.

Rachel had even taken to wearing a jacket again, though the one Magnus had bought her the day he took her from the slavers was now growing tight. She knew she would soon have to ask Alice to let it out. Or perhaps the woman would help her make a new coat that might be warm enough for the coming winter.

Now weeks after she'd moved into the slave quarters she was fully content in her bed next to Kathryn, the friend who truly made her feel safe. In fact, Rachel had finally begun to feel as if she belonged in her new home.

Now that she lived with them officially, she stayed late into the night with the others more often, listening to their stories of their previous homes, laughing and singing, and enjoying the company of the women who had become her new family. When they finally left their revelry and went to their beds, Rachel was glad for the comfort of so many around her as she closed her eyes and difted off to slumber. Their collective presence made her feel safe and welcome.

When Rachel awoke that morning however she saw that most of the room was already empty. Sitting up she rubbed her eyes to wipe the sleep from them.

"Good morning, Rachel."

Kathryn's cheerful voice drew her attention imdeatly.

"Where is everyone?" Rachel asked. She pulled her blanket up to keep her arms covered as she sat up and leaned against the headboard of her bed.

"I thought I would let you sleep a bit," Kathryn said with a smile. "I know you must be tired after last night."

Rachel nodded. They had been up quite late the night before. Olivia had sung for them. She had such a beautiful voice, none had wanted her to stop.

"Alice said that she could manage without me in the kitchen," Kathryn continued. "And there are others caring for the animals. After we feed some scraps to the pigs, Alice asked that you and I help give the slave hall a good cleaning. We will all be spending more time inside now after all. "

Rachel nodded and forced herself to abandon her warm bed, grateful that Kathryn had already started a fire in the hearth to combat the cold of the early morning.

"We have already missed the second breakfast shift," Kathryn said as Rachel dressed, but I have brought you a couple of hardboiled eggs and a cheddar scone. Alice made them for Magnus, but she let me sneak a few."

Standing by the fire, Rachel took the flakey pastry from Kathyrn gratefully, biting into the soft buttery, salty treat.

"Come," Kathryn said, taking Rachel's free hand. "you can finish on the way. We still have quite a bit to do before lunch and I really did let you sleep longer than I should have."

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