Voices of Humanity (Preview Chapter)

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So, it's been awhile with no updates. I have indeed been writing, but I'm not the fastest writer out there. For a full book.... you are going to have to wait a bit longer. I did want to share a sneak preview of what I am working on though. Rather than picking up where After Humanity left off, the next book will likely take us to Alice's past. As you might have noticed in the bonus chapters, Alice likes to speak in 1st person so I am breaking out of my 3rd person bubble for her sake. The book still has some major issues to work through ( like deciding if it is one book or two... Alice has lived a long life! ) but if you ever wondered where Alice came from and why she was always a bit different from other humans, this "prologue" will give you an idea. Hope you enjoy!



Throughout my life, people have often said I was lucky. Perhaps it is true. If survival is a measurement of luck, there are few who could claim to be more "lucky" than myself after all.

I was born on a large farm, one of Cedrick Dulane's famed human livestock. My mother, Mariana was my Master's true favorite. She was beautiful, sweet, docile, and talented in the kitchen. Everything a sibla could ask for in a human female. Even as she grew he doted on her in a way he rarely did any of his animals.

My mother had a boy in her first pregnancy and my Master was happy. His favorite little human would be a successful breeder and he could justify maintaining her on his lands. She was only fourteen at the time. But when they took the child from her arms soon after his birth, my mother cried silent tears for days. She knew her baby would be reared by another and slaughtered for his meat. Though she continued at her work with as much diligence as ever, nothing seemed to cheer her to her normal happy self. Cedrick Dulane was determined to see her joy restored.

When a year had passed he bred her again and this time she became pregnant with twins. Two girls, of which I was one. My Master was determined that his favorite slave would not slip into depression again and so he was present for the birth. The moment the two babies emerged from her womb he ordered they be cleaned and presented to him to make a choice. Only one of the children would live. This was the first "luck" I encountered in my quest for survival.

I had been born with a full head of dark hair, just like my mother's and had inherited echoes of her features. My sister had a fairer complexion and only a few wisps of fuzz on her scalp. They said I smiled when he reached out to examine my face. That he saw within me the sweet temperament of my mother. It was enough for my Master to make his determination.

I was handed back to my mother while my sister was taken away, condemned to be raised along with the other vealers. Of course, I didn't know that. I never even realized I was losing a sister. Already I was gaining benefit at the expense of another human's life. But I was just a baby. An infant happily resting in the arms of an adoring mother.

Dulane vowed in that moment that I would be my mother's true child. That she could raise me as her successor. One day I would be his favorite, as she was, and any sorrow she might feel in giving up her future offspring to his greed could be tempered by the fact she now had a daughter to cherish.

This gift Dulane had given my mother was a formidable one. It was rare that any of his breeders might be allowed to raise their own offspring. After all, his stock might be sold or slaughtered at any time and it was best if none held such close bonds. But for my mother, the exception was made and she took full advantage, keeping me by her side as much as possible.

By the age of four, I was already quite the kitchen helper and by the age of six, I could even make a few dishes by myself. I still remember how my mother would stand me on a stool and watch like a hawk as I replicated her most famous recipes, rapping the backs of my hands or legs if I made even a minor mistake. Tough love. She wanted to make certain that I would prove useful to our Master. That I would be safe.

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