Chapter Twenty-One

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30 Years Earlier ~


    The spread on the table was impressive. A whole roasted suckling human, and an array of breads and pastries. Enough food for a small party, all laid in Magnus's honor.

    "But the true treat is the wine I have managed to acquire," Dulane proclaimed when Magnus complimented his table. "The best vintage you will ever taste. I promise it will be life changing my friend." He smiled before turning towards the entry to the dining room.

    "Alice!" he called out loudly.

    Magnus looked to see the same slave he'd noticed on his last visit as she entered the room at her master's command, carrying a tray on which sat two goblets and a decanter of dark red liquid. She kept her eyes downcast, head bent, but he was certain it was she. As Alice set a glass down in front of her master, he grabbed her wrist tightly.

    "You stupid woman," he hissed. "Where are your manners? We have had this discussion already have we not? The best cup is reserved for our honored visitor."

    "Forgive me, Master," she said, quickly switching the glasses.

    "Just serve our guest," he answered, tone hard. "We will address your carelessness later."

    The woman's expression was blank a she looked up, but a large purple bruise around her right eye revealed the abuse she continued to receive at the hands of her master. Magnus shuddered to think of what new punishment she might face for her minor infraction.

    As the woman walked to him, head bent again, Magnus fought to hold his tongue in chastising Dulane for his unfair treatment of the animal. He could only imagine what Torvald would say if he heard tell of it. Still, there was nothing preventing him from showing his sympathy with Alice's plight, at least subtly. He still had hopes Dulane might be willing to sell her to him after all. Perhaps she would see already that he would prove a kinder master and help his cause encouraging Dulane to part with her.

    "Thank you," Magnus said softly as Alice laid down his glass, giving her a small, but genuine smile. The woman did not acknowledge his gratitude as she bent to fill his cup.

    "Don't drink it."

    Magnus felt a strange chill travel along his skin at the words she whispered as she rose again and her mouth passed his ear. A sound so soft he wasn't certain he'd heard it at all. But as he lifted his gaze from the cup, her eyes met his, focused with a frightening intensity. She looked to the glass and gave an infinitesimally small shake of her head to cement her message. Magnus felt his heart beat quicken as he stared again at the blood red wine.

    "Let us raise our glasses and toast. To a great new friendship."

    Magnus blinked in surprise at the sound of Dulane's booming voice. The slave was standing next to her master now. Her face was entirely expressionless, but Dulane smiled happily, his glass already raised.

    Magnus slowly picked up his own cup, trying to keep his hand from shaking. How could he insult the man by not drinking? But the intensity in Alice's stare had been enough to give him pause.

    It was then that he saw it. The slave's hand in the pocket of her dress, clutched around the handle of a knife. Their eyes met again. She knew he'd seen her. But Alice held his gaze fearlessly, her eyes sending a clear warning. Keep quiet. In spite of all his better instincts, Magnus did.

    What happened next was impossibly fast. In the blink of an eye, the woman had her hand tangled in Dulane's hair holding him captive with a knife at his throat. The man's eyes opened wide.

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