I've Never Love U

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At Megan's House

- Ashton's POV - 

I didn't know what time was it. Because all I knew was that everyone in here was drunk like hell. How I wished Sarah was here to enjoy with me. We could spend our entire life together. 

But that was just a dream. That will never happen...

Just as I decided to stand up and get some more beer, a dark figure came towards me...

- Sarah's POV - 

As I reached that bitch's house, I told myself to calm down. This is going to end soon so don't panic, I thought. There was no one opening the door so I assumed everyone in there was very drunk. 

When I entered the house, I quickly look for Ashton. Within 2 minutes, I finally found him. He was sitting alone at the corner drunkly. 

Ok. I admit that I still have feelings for him. But not entirely. I was still mad of him for going to Megan's party without asking me. Partly my fault too. I should have just calmed down and ask him what was going on. 

When I got closer to him, he just looked stunned to see me with his deadly shot eyes. 

I tried to reach for him, but Megan came out of nowhere and interrupted by wrapping her arms around him.

That move.. That bitch.. Ashton... That bitch... Ashton.. That bitch... Ashton...

Those words were flying around my head. It really made me looked like a fool.

"Hey Sarah." She said to me. 


"Hi..." I didn't what made me feel so frightened or pissed off. 

"What are ya doing in my house? I sincerely swear no one invited you here." She mumbled.

"Yea no one. I'm just here to pick Ashton up." As I glare at him.

He didn't really seem to care about Megan's arm wrapping around his neck. 

"Oh.. I see. Is it true Ashy?" She questioned as she looked at him in the eyes. 

How dare her!!!! 

He wasn't really paying much attention to her because he was still staring at me.

"I... d-dont..... remember... calling... her..to.....pick me... up." And his eyes turned to Megan.

I couldn't stand it so I spoke out.

"Actually it's Sam who wants me to pick you up." I spoke.

"Tell him .... I ..... do .... not ... his ... help ....... I .... already have ..... company... Right ... here .." He mumbled as he put he put his arms around Megan's shoulder.


"But he said you were bored and he wants me to bring you to the movies." I cut.

"Sarah, if Ashton says he already has company. You should inform your brother that he's safe right here. I won't do anything stupid to him." Megan said. 

Yea. like you wouldn't...

"Oh please Megan. Everyone knows you're a slut and a total bitch. Because you literally slept with all of the boys in school. " I muttered.

"SHUT UP SARAH!! What do you know about me??? Anyway, Ashton wants me right now. He doesn't need an ugly bitch like you to entertain him. I can make him feel thousand times better than you  can give." She shouted.


"Girls... there's ... no....need ... to ... fight over ... me .. I'll .... choose ... for ... myself .. " Ashton stood up clumsily. 

"But you're drunk Ashton. Why not I bring you up to my room where there are no noises up there?" Her fingers went touching his chest.

"I ..... guess .... that's ... a-alright .... for .... me ...." He mumbled as he followed her upstairs.

"Ashton, what about my brother? What about me? Don't you love me anymore?? " I begged.

"From .... that .... m-m-moment ..... I've ..... never ... love ... you ... " He said and continued following Megan until the door was shut.

'I've never love you' .... Those four words keep wanting in and out through my ears.

It haunts me.. Was he serious? He never love me even the first day we met? 

Am I in a dream? I thought.

Then there was a figure came towards me.

"Hey, are you alright?" The figure asked.

"No.. I'm not.. I just had a nightmare." I sighed.

"Well, that was a nightmare. They're gone." He said.

As I turned towards the figure. He was tall, blonde hair, and pair of sparkling blue eyes.

"David." He introduced.

"Sarah." I replied.

"So.. I guess that's your bf with Megan." He questioned.

"Yea. I was supposed to bring him back, but after that happened, I think it was just a waste of time coming here. " I mumbled.

"Hey, it's ok Sarah. You know drunk people just don't use their common sense to think. They have no idea what they're doing. Until they realised what they had done is simply all wrong."

"I know but he just said that he has never love me ever since the first day we met.." Tears came tricking down my cheek. 

"I'm sure he doesn't mean it. Don't worry. Everything will be fine by tomorrow morning. Give hime some time. " He consoled.

"Ok... Thanks David. " 

"A friend in need is a friend in deed. "

"You're right. Anyway, Megan invited you to the party? "

"She invited my friend. My friend called me up to join him because he was bored. " He replied.

"Same.. I really hate Megan. She sleeps with nearly all the guys in our school. " 

"Total agreement. She got my friend in trouble b4. But not me, because I declined her request. She tried to seduce me the other day, asking me to have sex with her. I didn't want because I don't like cheating on girls. "  He said.

"So, you have a gf?  " I asked.

"No, silly. Single. But still, I don't like cheating on girls. "

"Thank god. Sorry .. " I laughed.

He followed me laughing too..  

"Hey, Sarah. I gotta go back home. It's really getting late in night already. Nice talking to you.  " He shook my hand.

"Yea. Same here. "

"BTW, is there any chance I can keep in touch with you.. you know, as friends? " He asked. 

"Sure. Let's exchange numbers." 

After saving our numbers in each other's phone, we said our goodbye, and hope to meet in school on Monday. 

As I got into the car, I finally realised something. Without a bf can have so much freedom. Maybe I should reconsider not having Ashton with me. I'll tell him in school...

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