Best To Worst

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- Ashton's POV - 

She hasn't been talking to me much. I really miss her. I've got to get her back. I want to let her know that I like her. I do not wish other guys' hands all over her. I'm gonna find a way fast. 

- Sarah's POV - 

Yesterday night was the best thing I've enjoyed in my life. David, is officially my boyfriend. Thank god. I do not have to worry about Megan and Ashton. Away from my life, finally! Yet, part of me felt bad to use David as a distraction from Ashton. David is a really great guy, he doesn't deserve this treatment. The only way is to for me to fall in love with him. Not Ashton.

Ring ring !

" Morning Jennifer. " I greeted her through the phone.

" Well someone sounds happy . " I could hear her smirking voice.

" It's nothing much really, Jennifer. " I replied with a huge smile.

" C'mon girl. There's no reason why you're in such a great mood. Please Please!! " She shouted for joy.

" Alright. David and I, we're in a relationship now. " I followed her to shout and jump with joy.

" So did you guys did the next step already? " Jennifer questioned.

" Are you crazy?! It's only a day. Not yet, calm down  . " I said.

" Well, just take it slow. No rush. It'll better to know whether he's a player or not . " 

" Yea, I will. Anyways, I've got to get change for school. " I replied.

" Ok, bye. " 

I quickly changed into a denim short and a white blouse and off I went.

As soon as I got to school, David was leaning against my locker, waiting for my arrival. I decided to pretend to ignore him. When I was walking pass him, I felt a hand pulling me back. It turned out to be David.

Our eyes met. 

" Hey. " David replied with a smile.

" Hii. " I smiled.

"See you during break? " 

"Yea. " 

He kissed me on the lips and he went to his next class. If only time could stop right at this moment. 

When I looked at his figure slowly faded, there was a snap coming from Jennifer.

" Hello, earth to Sarah." Jennifer looked at me.

"Yea yea, I'm here. Let's get to class." 

As we were walking to our class, Jennifer curiously ask, " How old is he anyway? "

" 17. " I replied.

" A year older than y... " Before she could finish her sentence, there was a loud bang coming from the few doors away. 

Jennifer and I rushed to the scene. As we reached to the scene, I saw someone was hitting David until he had a blue - black right eye. As the figure turned, I could not believe, however, expected.


- Hey guys! Here's another update for you :) There's bad news and good news. 0_0 So, the bad news is Chinese New Year is just around the corner ( 28th Jan ), I won't be updating that until like 2nd or 3rd Feb [ birthday ] ? :/ I know you're going to be mad because it's a cliffhanger, but don't worry, the good news is that I promise to give you an update tomorrow ^_^ Haha, that's all. Bye and happy reading~ :D

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