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- Sarah's POV - 

Those words he said kept on ringing in my head. Every time I stopped thinking of it, it would still be there haunting me. Tears starting trickling down my cheek. I quickly got into the car and slammed the door hard, but ofc no one would be able to hear due to the loud noises which was coming from the house.

Frankly speaking, I thought Ashton felt the same way as I do, but I was wrong. He didn't want anything but my virginity. All I had to do now is pray that I'm not pregnant with his baby cuz I have no idea whether he had done it to me or not. I was worried that if David finds out, he would think I'm a slut who just wants sex and I cheat on him.

I kept on thinking of all the possible outcomes that I didn't realize Ashton came into the car. All I could see in his eyes were sadness and anger. Who was he angry of? Me? He had no right to be angry at me cuz I'm the one who is in a difficult situation, not him.

The journey from Megan's house to his house was silent. No one started the conversation. He was staring at the window throughout the road, how was I supposed to say? I wanted to tell him that I actually loved him but I couldn't cuz of the things he said earlier. I might think otherwise. 

- Ashton's POV - 

Her, I thought. I felt sad, she didn't even want to talk to me throughout my way home. I thought, most probably, she would forget about me, and move on with David. I want the girl that I love, to be happy. If she's happy with him, I must learn to let go of her. It was my fault for being rude to her, what has she done to deserve this treatment? 

About 15 minutes later, I finally saw my house. She then stopped at the side and was waiting me to get out of the car. I didn't say anything much but "thanks for dropping me" to her.

All she did was nod her head. I didn't wanna make things worse therefore, I closed the car door, and as I stood outside my house door, I was about to turn back to have a look at her, when she just drove off to her house, without waving goodbye.

I felt pain in my heart, there wasn't much time left for me until she fell in love with David fully. I can't let Sam know that the girl I love is his sister. He will totally kill me. I don't want to lose two people who are important to me. But thats how it goes, you gain one, you lose the other. 

- HEY GUYS, SORRY FOR SHORT UPDATE, SORRY SORRY. Lots of things have been going on, this and next whole week I have sports competitions in college and just finished my exams. I dont have much time to lengthen my chapter as I have other internal exams to be carried on the upcoming months. I apologize for my late update and short one. Sorry, please forgive me, guys!! :( Thanks -

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