Chapter 3

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أنا لست سارق (I am not a thief)
الا أسرق القلوب (except I steal hearts)

I looked at her as tears rolled down her cheeks and I don't know why but I could see pain, patience and "حيا" (shyness/ modesty) in her eyes. They were speaking a lot yet so secretive and quiet. She looked so innocent.
I thought a lot about her. She was stuck onto my mind like an image painted on my eyes.
We landed.

I had to stop crying. I could bear the pain. I was strong. I just prayed a small dua (prayer) and took a deep breath. And some chewing gum helped.
I don't know what I felt when this guy kept on looking at me, I felt like the words in my mouth got lost and the world seemed to lack oxygen. It was too weird. Otherwise I had prepared a whole composition to give him for looking at a stranger girl.

It was time of departure and separation. I was imagining my family whenever someone travelled - I swear they didn't care about getting embarrassed or anything because my grandmas literally cried when I was going to London to study.

I left the plane. My steps syncing his as I was behind him. And we separated ways.

I went to look for my best, best friend who was coming to receive me. I was going to stay with her. She wasn't feeling well for the past few days but she still came to receive me.
I ran and hugged her like we haven't met for years and we were pouring it all in that hug. I was so tired though and just wanted to rest.

When we were leaving for her car I saw the stranger guy again, he was in his luxury car, looking outside. Maybe he was waiting for someone. But who cares ?
I just passed and went to the car, all exhausted and worn out.

When we reached her apartment, she told me, "Go freshen up habibty (darling), I am making coffee for us and then we will talk about everything, including your journey."
She is really sweet and I am fond of her since we were young, we've been Bff's since our high school days and before.

I was fresh and looked clean and I was ready to gossip all the gossip in the world with my Hudaa. All my tiredness left with the water that ran down the drain.
Later after praying all the prayers I missed and Isha prayer, we decided to go to a mall just next to her house, Dubai mall.
It was grand and depicted the glamour of The Arabs and was complicated too. I just couldn't finish all the shops in a day. We went to look at the Burj Khalifa as well. It was extravagant.

We returned home later and I was tired for real now.
I had two situations in my life, always and anyways - I'm either hungry or tired - nothing more. But life doesn't give you a chance to feel either of them.

I even completely forgot that I had to tell my mom I had reached safely and assure her.
I started looking for my phone. Where did I throw it again ?
Oh !!! It was in my handbag. I took out my phone to call and just then Hudaa shrieked. My heart stopped for a moment.

I rushed to her and I saw her vomit blood.
I was so shocked, she seemed so weak and she fainted in my arms. I froze - trying to figure out what just happened.
I knew I had to call the ambulance or any help. I took my phone that was in my hand to call. But I realized that it had a different looking home screen and a different looking password. I didn't understand, it wasn't my phone !!

I completed the surgery that brought me to Dubai early. I had to make a few official calls and then go to bed.
As usual when I reached home, my mom, my life was waiting for me. I kissed her forehead and said Salaams to her. She was so delighted to see me. I could see tears just about to fall from those loving eyes of hers.
"Drama queen... !!"
Just then my father came and teased my mom, putting a hand on her shoulder from behind. They were a happy couple.

I got chocolates out of my bag separately in two different packets for my twin sisters who were 13 years old but still fought over sweets and chocolates.
They were my princesses.
I had a niece and a nephew as well from my older sister (Aisha) who was 3 years older than me. She was understanding and the only person I could pour my heart too.

I saw my two twin sisters (Safaa and Marwa) waiting for me with a big smile on their faces near the door of my room. They wouldn't let me in anyways without me giving them anything. And right beside them was my 4 year old niece (Maha).

The excitement of seeing me took over them and they came towards me.
All of them saying together, "Assalam alaikum habibi (darling)."
I just laughed and answered them moving to carry my small little niece but as I forwarded my hands, my notorious cute nephew (Ali) intervened and got carried instead. He was 6 years old and was naughty and mischievous like no other child. He kissed my cheek and started shouting, in happiness I guess, until Aisha came and scolded him.

I was happy to see Aisha and hugged her. I talked to her, asking her about all that I missed and she was just teasing me and asking if I got her a sister in law as yet. The house seemed so lively. Then I remembered I have to make my important calls so I excused my self.

I removed the IPhone 6s from my pocket to realize that it had a different home screen and a different password. This wasn't my phone !!! It belonged to someone else. And I think I knew who.

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