Chapter 12

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  هل كان علامة من الله (was it a sign from God)
أو مزحة من القلب (or a joke from the heart)

I heard Sofia tell me that they had come. I was so nervous, in fact I was breathing heavily and I guess I had turned pale. But God was with me and I know I was going towards doing a good deed. So I mustered courage and Sofia came to take me.

We heard the laughter and talks downstairs and I was getting more nervous. But Sofia assured me and told me that she was with me and everything would be fine.

As I went down I saw Ammar, was he the one to propose ? There was a feeling of satisfaction in my heart, then next to him I saw Zayed, who was Sofia's boss. I reached down and everyone looked at me in awe including Zayed. But Ammar got a phone call I guess so he had left. To realize after a while, it was Zayed with the proposal.

I talked to his family, his mom seemed so nice and loving. His father reminded me of fatherly figure and his sister filled the place of an older sibling. I don't know I was blending, my heart had a more positive vibe towards this marriage.

I was then asked if I have any question to Zayed. I just shyed and shook my head. And he too said that he had no question. We then decided we would answer later. Thank God Sofia was here with me, I felt safe.

Then suddenly I saw another woman, whom I guess was Ammar's mom because I heard him call her, umm (mother), so I guessed. She praised me and smiled too. And then she asked about the handbag which belonged to Sofia. We forgot about it. It was going to look so disorganized.

But she just smiled and asked who's it was, I smiled too and told her it belonged to the girl who made the food they were praising for the past half an hour. It was Sofia's.
She asked me to call her, I did and she looked at her kissed her forehead and prayed for both of us.

She then told us a story about how they met, my mom and Zayed's mom. So they were on a train when Zayed's mom started coughing and my mom offered water. And they started the conversations to introducing their families to showing each other our pictures to agreeing to meet to where we are today. We all had understood everything. Ladies.. it seemed crazy but that's what they said.

I was feeling awkward because Ammar was there but I had a feeling of letting go and trusting God. So later in the evening they left happily talking and hugging each other and Zayed giving me a glance which left me dumbstruck.
Well I decided to pray salat al istikhara (prayer to ask God to help you make a right decision/ guidance).
After I bid Sofia a bye, she left just after everyone left I went to my room - tired though. So that night I prayed to God. Reading all the Duas and then going to sleep in exhaustion.

'It was morning and the sky was so beautiful. They were flowers all over and it was me in a white gown with open hair and a smile on my face, I was getting married and behind me was... Zayed, who had a bigger smile and we were together'

It was a dream. Was it a sign from God that I should accept this marriage. I didn't feel negative nor restless about this marriage. Maybe it was destined.

We reached the house. I met her mom and I kissed her hand like I do to my mom and said salaam. After a short while, I saw two girls walking down. It was Sofia and another girl looking just like her, felt like they were twins. Was this Sofia's other house ? Was the proposal for her. My heart had a feeling of satisfaction.
Until a 13- year old girl said, "Don't be confused. It's the one in a brown and white dress."

My hopes broke right then and there, it was the girl next to her the proposal was for. She seemed nice too. I'd seen her before ~ Sofia's friend. I would trust God with wherever he would take me and whoever he would want me to complete half of my deen with, I took a glance at her and saw her eyes. Her eyes which were hoping.

She came down elegantly and blended in my family like ice cream blends in milk. She shyly shook her head when she was asked to ask questions and I had none too.
Although my eyes looked at someone else who was serving and supporting her friend. But I didn't want to cause any bad thought so I gazed down. I was happy we were given time to think and that we would answer tomorrow.

We left in the evening and I glanced a last time at her, this time - trying to feel the connection. And I left after I saw her innocent eyes - she was chilled at my glance.

When I reached home I decided to pray for guidance and the prayer in which we ask Allah to choose for us the right decision. I had my dinner and went pray. After praying I decided to go to sleep.

'I saw myself in a black suit and infront of me was a girl in a white dress, looking extraordinarily beautiful, highly mesmerizing me and as I went ahead I saw it was her, it was Hudaa...' I had this dream. Was this a sign from God that I should accept this marriage. My heart didn't feel any bad or any weird feeling. Everything seemed good.

Piece of my heartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora