Chapter 29

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With love - Dedicated to Sofiiiiiii - safiyadaghar

حب لك ( my love is yours)
و أنا أيضا (and so am I )

I was so heartbroken from within. I just couldn't believe I would really fall in love with her. She was now my life, my heart, my soul. I didn't want to marry but I had too.
I know I would never understand how she feels. Never in my life.

I was about to leave when I saw her and surprisingly she pulled me close - closer to her... I felt her heartbeats as they beat and I felt the penetration of her love and her pain from within.
She felt my love too and her feelings were strong. I felt that from her hug and tears fell from her eyes.

I saw pearls falling. Her tears were now precious for me - precious than anything in this world. She asked me for equality - Something I never thought of - Something a wife would never ask her husband for.
My heart was satisfied, it was happy to desire Jannah with her. I left the house unwillingly. Away from my love, towards my duty.

I reached and it was all decorated. I saw my family only and some eye witnesses. It was better - Just a simple wedding. We first were reading some duas and then the nikkah was to be finalized.
________________________ ..... _____________________

I left as fast as I could. It was a heart patient and an emergency. Why do emergencies occur on my wedding nights. I reached the hospital and I saw Sofia. I saw Sofia... my heart was racing - I was worried ~ I was wondering as to why she was here and I realized it was her mom who was the heart patient. I couldn't go to her but my eyes assured her.
I knew she needed care, she needed comfort, she needed her husband, she needed me at that time.

All the doctors were there and we hurried the surgery. Her mom's arteries were blocked and thankfully we had the equipment and a second heart in the lab just in case we needed to change her heart.
The surgery took really long. In fact I guess about 7 hours we were inside the theatre. At some points my heart was worried about my wife. My love bug and drug - I had to be strong for her.

Alhamdulillah (thank God) the operation was successful. My mother in law was fine. This was such an unexpected moment. I was happy thinking of Sofia. I wanted to go to her, go hug her, go assure her all the love in this world and assure her my foreverness and my eternity with her.


So please comment and tell me, where do you think Ammar will go ? To Sofia or home ??
And do you think Ammar is married or not ??
With love... Sunaina ❤️❤️

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