Chapter 15

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لست أنا (it is not me)
هو مصير مرة أخرى (it is fate again)

I had taken an off again from office. Well I was lucky I had an understanding boss. My family was coming today from Egypt. Well life was over for us in Egypt and now because of my working visa and my sister and brothers education visa, we will be able to live in Dubai. I was supposed to go to the airport in the afternoon. I was so happy and excited.

I was about to leave when Hudaa called me and said that she wanted me to go with her to her in laws, they wanted us to go together. I wondered why but I couldn't anyways because I was going to the airport. I apologized and wished her luck and got into my car to go pick up my family.

I reached the airport and crash. While I was parking I hit onto a black Mercedes and I just broke one headlight. It was a MISTAKE. I became so nervous and I got out of the car. I moved to where the guy of the car was standing, I was a bit away from the cars.

He looked up and I realized it was Ammar. It was his car. How stupid of me. He stood in front of me and I in front of him and I didn't dare look at him because those eyes would scare me off.

He said, "Assalam alaikum lady, do you realize you have broken my headlight ?" I guess he hadn't realized it was me because I was looking down.

With a faint voice I answered now my head up looking into his eyes and my mouth about to stammer and the tears about to roll down I said, "Waalaikum salam, I do realize that I made a mistake, please forgive me and tell me how much I need to pay you."

He saw me and we stared at each other for a few seconds silently and then he broke the silence and said, "Sofia... its you..why are you here and it's ok, just be sure you don't do this mistake again."
He sounded rather different though his tone was stiff and scary. He later than just walked away, why was he at the airport. And ironically we were going the same direction.

I was standing there just beside him. Well they was no space, it was full of people waiting for the same plane. I saw his reflection on the marble fence which was like a balcony wall, he was just stiff, eyes glued to his phone and a serious look on his face.

I kept observing him till I heard a small voice shout, "Sofiaaaaa," I looked up to see Adeel run up to me and my mom and Sara behind him. He looked so cute. I went to hug him so tightly and he told me, "I am not a tomato" his same dialogue whenever I hugged him.

I then went and hugged my mom and kissed her forehead and I hugged my sister and she was telling me how she misses me. And we all went towards the car. When I was to enter, I saw a pair of eyes that enchanted me again. It was Ammar again, why was he coming in front of me all the time.

I just entered the car and we drove home. My family loved the house. I was happy and they were happy too. I talked to my mom, asking her about the journey and everything and all of them went to sleep early because they were so tired.

I then decided to call Hudaa. She was missing me and I was too. And she was telling me how Ammar's mom was asking Zayed and her about me. I don't why she was inquiring about me. I hope this doesn't cause anything to Hudaa's marrige. Well I was tired too so I retired to sleep to wake up early tomorrow for my darlings admission and office !

I heard a crashing sound as I was sitting in my car. Someone had banged on my car. As I got down to look, it was a girl who was looking down I guess in regression and guiltiness. She had broken my headlight. I asked her as to what she had done and if she realized it. She stood there with her hand holding the other tightly in fear...

She looked up to answer me and I realized it was Sofia. This girl was clumsy and messed up and we never met for a good reason. I saw her there nervous and scared. The reaction of every girl who does an accident. I just didn't bother, it was just a headlight after all I would fix it. I told her it's ok and that I will do it. And I left. I was walking towards the international arrival department because there was an important parcel coming.

I stood there in front of a marble balcony like wall and was on my phone. I realized a girl next to me who was staring at my reflection the whole time. And I got to know it was Sofia when I guess her brother called out to her.

I didn't want to look as to who it was because it would've looked too obvious and awkward. So I noticed her hug her family and just then my parcel came and I left to go to my car. As I was passing I saw her and a second of a second eye contact occurred between us which I least bothered about.

I reached home and everyone was giving me sarcastic smiles. My sisters, Aisha, Safaa and Marwa were smiling until I could see their December tooth. My mom was so happy. What was the reason. I entered and said Salam to everyone. I hugged my mom and my niece and nephew came running towards me. I kissed them both and gave them chocolates.

They were so happy. And right then my mom said, "Ammar I want to be a paternal grandmother now, I want to see you bring chocolates for your own kids and I want a daughter in law to help me, Aisha is going to her husbands day after tomorrow and safaa and Marwa 24/7 are just in BurDubai Academy..."

I just stared at her in silence. And she seemed serious and in a more stern voice she said something which I was hoping not to hear ever in my life, it was, "And I have seen a girl whom I liked, I don't know her but I will call her parents tomorrow."

I was terribly shocked. Which girl is this which my mom had seen. Who had passed all her eye judging tests. And she didn't know her. *seriously*
Well I just didn't say anything but, "Inshaallah (if God wills) ya ummi, (mom), goodnight"
And I went off to sleep. I didn't want to destroy anyone's life because I knew that I won't be able to make a girl I don't know, happy !

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