Chapter 32

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A/N: I added this chapter for all of you who have been asking about Hudaa and Zayed. Hah.. the story ended in the previous chapter but I'm writing this specially for all my amazing readers who have been commenting, voting and liking my book and those who wanted me to write. I love you all. Thanks for all the support guys - I really really appreciate it. Thanks again sweethearts.
Sunaina ❤️

( وأنت لي، لي - أتملكك ، And you're mine, mine - I own you
وأنا لك، لك  - أنت تملكني ، and I'm yours, yours - you own me)

"That restaurant !! Zayed has bad food choices. Omg I feel like vomiting again for the millionth time now.. oh no !" I mentally told myself as I got nauseated again.
Since morning I've been feeling sick. I think it's all because of the food I ate yesterday at the restaurant Zayed's took me to. The amount of times I've gone to the washroom to vomit could equal me sleeping for 2 hours.

Zayed was on the bed. He was caressing my head as I slept on his lap. I felt so tired and I liked my husband serving me anyways.

"It's all because of you habibi," I told him.

"What did I do ?" He said.

"It's that restaurant that you took me to for dinner yesterday." I told him while pouting at him like a little baby.
"My stomach feels like a there is a fish playing tag inside it."
He chuckled.

"Zayyedddddddd againnnnnn !!!!" And I rushed to the washroom before I vomited on him. The washroom stinks now !!

I came back and my head felt so heavy. Dizziness was now overwhelming me. Zayed helped me sleep on his chest. I loved all this love I was getting :P

Just then his phone rang and he took it. He said, "Ammar, Salam - we are coming in the afternoon, you're there right ?... Hala InshaAllah (If God wills )." And he cut the phone.

I looked at him waiting for an explanation. And he simply told me he was taking me to the hospital. I stared at him for a while and then I laughed at his expressions. He was mimicking me and how he terribly failed at that. I punched his arm which was so hard. It was like he was flexing his muscles, and he gave a fake ouch at my 'hit'.
And I giggled at him.

Hudaa was sick since morning. I couldn't see her like this.
She was always jolly, preparing me burnt food like almost everyday that I had to eat. One dish she could never ever make was harees (Arab dish of boiled, cracked wheat, mixed with meat).
My mom taught her how to make this and she always changed one step every time she made it, saying, she didn't remember clearly what exactly it was. And she eventually always ended up forming something new that was gross but I used to finish it all up. She was experimenting with my stomach.

"Hudy, lets go. Are you ready sweetheart ?" I asked her - standing outside.
I booked an appointment at the hospital just to be sure she was fine especially after she was at the hospital before... I couldn't afford to let anything happen to the love of my life.

"Zayed !!! I want my blue shoes... I can't see them." She shouted from inside.

Her mood swings have been weird for the past two days. Now she wants her blue shoes !? Seriously ? I was surely going to end up needing medication.

"Wifey, these green ones look amazing on you. I love them. Wear these please and anyways we are just going to the hospital."
I couldn't make up anything else because I really didn't know where her shoes were.

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