Bride and Seek

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At a wedding of a lovely young couple. They all decided to play Hide and Seek. Including the guests, of course.

They decided that groom would be "it", and so everyone ran off to hide.

After about an hour, he found everyone, except for his wife - they lovely bride.

Thirty minutes passed, and he shouted out that he gave up and that she won the game. He became annoyed and everyone started searching for her.

They never found her. They just concluded that she probably was unsure of their marriage and wanted to move on with her life. So the broken-hearted groom moved on too.

A few years later, a cleaning lady dusted off an old trunk in the same building where the wedding was held.

Just out of curiosity, she opened it. Inside the trunk was the rotting body of the missing bride who'd apparently became locked in the trunk she hid in.

Whether she'd suffocated or starved to death is unknown. But her face was frozen in desperate scream...


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