Car Keys

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Once this father and daughter, who lived in a very isolated rural area, wanted to go to an amusement park some good miles away.

This would be the daughter's very first time to go there, so, naturally, she was jumping with excitement and was fairly impatient on the drive there. Yet, she didn't complain openly because she knew how much her father was sacrificing to take her there.

After about an hour into the drive, two tires got busted and flattened out, due to the deep, sharp potholes in the road.

"This is ridiculous!" the father thought.

To his daughter, he said, "Love, I'll try get us to the park as soon as possible once I try to find someone who can fix our tires. I may be a few hours — stay here and don't leave, you understand?"

Although disappointed, the girl simply nodded and said, "Be safe, Dad."

With that he hugged her and left, locking all doors and taking the car keys. She watched him walk until he was out of sight.

After that, she sat back and started to sweat, due to the heat. Only one  window was lowered a little for air. She leaned against it and fell fast asleep.

She woke up to find that it was already dark, and the car was parked at the exact same spot. Her father hadn't yet arrived.

She started to cry. Suddenly, she saw a masculine figure approaching from the distance. She immediately smiled, knowing it had to be her father.

As soon as the figure got close enough, she realised it wasn't him.

The man had a sick twisted smile — only the kind a lunatic would have. He held something in his was her father's decapitated head.

The girl shrieked and cried uncontrollably at the horrific sight.

Now the man was standing directly in front of the car, looking at the girl through the windshield.

He slowly lifted up his other hand...revealing her father's car keys...

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