Chapter 10

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Bold: Matthew

Normal: Canada

Italics and underline: Sophie 

- Incoming Call -

6:15 PM

Matty Patty



"Hello... um, who is this?"

"My name is Sophie, I'm Matthews little sister, are you Canada?"

"Yeah, that's me. It's nice to meet you Sophie."

"It's nice to meet you too, even if it is just over the phone. Eeek! this is great. Okay, I have so much to tell you, my brother Matt doesn't stop talking about you and I really wanted to speak to you. I wanted to make sure that you, well, were actually real."

"Well, i'm very much so real, it would be a worry if I wasn't." 

"Well, you sound like such a nice girl, i'm so glad my brother has a friend like you."

"Awh, you're so sweet" 

"What can I say? I'm an angel."

"I bet you are, you just seem so kind."

"Please tell my brother that, he thinks I'm the devil incarnated because I accidentally dyed his hair pink when he was in 8th grade, he's never forgiven me."


"Thanks, he still loves me though, no one can resist my charms." 


"It's true."

"So what kind of things does Matt tell you about me?"

"He says you have the voice of an angel, and that your name is really unique and he also says you're a little ball of energy and super duper funny."

"Wow, I didn't think he thought of me that way."

"Yeah, well he told me that he-"


"Oh no, Canada I gotta go if I want to live to see tomorrow, wish me luck, BYE!"


Beep Beep Beep

- Call Ended -



don't be a silent reader

xx Skittle Lova

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