Chapter 36

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Bold: Matthew

Normal: Canada

Day Of Meet

Matthew's P.O.V

What the hell just happened? I was so shocked that Stacy just kissed me, and in front of Canada! Oh shit! I turned to look at Canada, she just stood there with such a sad expression, it broke my heart. She suddenly turned and ran down the stairs and disappeared towards the car park. I recovered from my shock and lightly pushed Stacy away and started jogging in Canada's direction. Once I left the school's gates I started my frantic search for my Angel. Where could she be? Dammit, why did Stacy have to kiss me? I suddenly got an idea, so in my frantic state and with my trembling fingers, I pulled out my phone. As I finished dialling her number, waiting for her to pick up, I could hear a ring tone go off. It was the Ghost Busters theme song. I followed the sound which lead me to the right side of the parking lot, hidden by the side of the school. 

There she was. My Angel. She was crying. It broke my heart to see her cry. I just wanted to pull her towards me for a comfort hug, she looked so sad, so torn. However, I didn't do that, instead I called her again. If a phone call brought us together surely it could fix whatever was happening between us.

Canada angrily took her phone out of her pocket, and when she looked at the caller ID she aggressively hit end. I didn't give up, I kept calling and calling. After so many tries, she looked like she was about to shut her phone off. She had to answer, she just had to. 

"What do you want Matthew?!" hearing her say my actual name instead of Matty Patty made me frown. I loved it when she called me Matty Patty.

"Canada, listen I can explain-"

"Explain what? Explain why my heart is breaking? I don't understand why it hurts so much when we only just saw each other for the first time today."

"Canada please ju-"

"Matthew, forget it. Obviously you have a girlfriend, and another part of your life that I'm not apart of, it's okay Matthew, maybe it's best if we just-"

"NO!" I needed her to understand, I couldn't let her go, not when our friendship meant so much to me, "Canada, she's not my girlfriend, and if you allow it, I would love for you to be apart of this side of my life, to be apart of every side of my life, I need you Canada because, because..."


"Because I love you Angel!" 

It was silent. I could see her stunned expression from where I was standing and it made me nervous, maybe I shouldn't have admitted that so soon. A few more tears dripped down her face but I waited and watched as she pulled the phone back to her ear and prepared myself for her rejection.

"What?" she whispered.

"I said that I love you, but I unde-."


"... Yes."

"Well, I don't know what love feels like and I don't think I'm ready to say those words yet but what I can say is that I like you, Matty Patty, a lot and I think it's really close to love."

"That's enough for me."


"Really, and Canada..."


"Turn around."

As our eyes met and smiles matched I knew we would be okay and I knew that no matter what I would never hurt this special, funny, beautiful girl again. 

"Hello Angel."

"Hello Matty Patty."

The End


LAST CHAPTER ASDFGHJKL; Thank you to everyone who has read my book I LOVE YOU ALL! A special thanks to my best friends Alisha, Emma and Rebecca for supporting me through this book writing journey, love you guys!

Sorry this chapter is so long especially since it's a short story but I felt it was necessary. 

don't be a silent reader 

XX Skittle Lova

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