Chapter 35

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Bold: Matthew 

Normal: Canada 

Day They Meet

Canada's P.O.V

I looked at myself in the mirror for about the 100th time. I was a ball of nerves, my palms were sweaty and my heart was racing. I liked him, even though we hadn't met, I felt a connection and I was so scared he wouldn't feel the same. 

After applying some lip balm and mascara I took a deep breathe and made my way down the stairs. I waved goodbye to my dad and made my way toward the school. It was only around the corner so the walk was no longer than ten minutes. When I finally reached the school football gates the nerves kicked in again, only they were 100x worse. I wiped my palms on my black skinny jeans and continued to the bleaches. 

After searching the field for a few seconds I finally caught sight of the huge white number 7, that only meant one thing, that person was Matty Patty. From behind I could tell he was tall, and he had fluffy brown hair. My breath caught. I couldn't believe we were going to meet. Matty Patty suddenly turned around and searched the bleaches, almost as if he was looking for something. He was handsome, there was no denying. Should I stand up and wave or... yolo imma do it. I stood up and waved like a mad women. He stopped when he saw me, and smiled. He took his phone out and sent me a message.

'Is the cute blonde that's waving you?' I blushed at his compliment but replied none-the-less, 'yep, that's me.' 

He looked up from his phone and gave me an ear to ear smile. He started walking over and again the butterflies decided to make an appearance. Wait... do butterflies feel humans in their stomachs when their nervous? because that would be weird. 

I shifted my attention back to Matty Patty, he was walking towards me with a smirk on his gorgeous face. Unfortunately he never reached me, he was stopped by a fake blonde barbie. She put her hand on his arm, giggled than attacked his lips with her own. He stood frozen, and I felt my heart shatter. He pulled away, and with a shocked expression, looked at me. The tears threatened to spill, but I wouldn't let him see it, so I turned on my heel, ran down the stairs and towards the car park. 



don't be a silent reader 

xx Skittle Lova

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