Chapter Thirty-One:

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Biting my thumb nail, I sat on the edge of the guest bed and stared at the desk where my phone sat, silent. No messages popped up telling me I had a text, or The Spice Girls telling me I had a incoming call.

Sam hadn't texted me back since I asked him to talk to Ruby, almost 6 hours ago and I was starting to get nervous.

He was a big boy though, he could take care of him self. He'd done it for 19 years before we'd met and been fine. No need to worry, he's probably playing a game with the boys or sleeping. Yeah..sleeping.

"Allie, we're ready to leave." Tyler said from the doorway. His easy smile and bright eyes calmed me down enough to reply even though my cruel mind was thinking up horrible scenarios for why Sam hadn't called me.

"Thanks. I'll be down in a second" I said, standing up and walking over to my suitcase.

Pulling my sweater out, I adjusted my scarf and slipped the sweater on. Looking at my phone one more time, I took a breath and walked out of the room.


"That was so much fun!" I raved, looking over Uncle Kevin's shoulder. He spun around, and I gripped his neck tighter. I was probably to heavy for him, but he didn't seem to mind as he spun me around and leaned trying to scare me.

We had gone to Dave and Busters for dinner and played for hours, winning prizes and laughing. Feeling like a real family. "Alright, Kylee, Brooklyn, let's get y'all to bed so the big kids can watch a movie" Aunt Angie said sweetly, and Uncle Kevin set me down.

"I'm going to go change while you pick the movie" I said to Tyler, smiling at him before turning and walking down the hall. I passed pictures of the family, and at end of the hallway was a picture of mom, dad, Ian and I. We where at the Grand Canyon, and I remember how angry I was to take a picture after spending 4 hours in a car with out a proper mirror and flat iron.

I was a very high maintenance child.

My hair was in a messy black top knot, and my eyes where squinted being as we faced the sun. I wore a pair of jean shorts and a yellow tank top with a jean vest on top, and I remembered how uncomfortable they where the entire drive.

Smiling at old me, I brushed my fingers across my fathers face. He looked happy, the same old weird dad who wore horrible ties and did the cross word puzzle with a pen. Mom was smiling, her arm draped around Ian's shoulder.

Covering my mouth with my hand, I thought about my family. Sam, Ruby, Andrew and Ammi.

Walking to my room, I opened the door and stepped in wiping my eyes and sniffling. Locking the door, I took a step to my suitcase looking around the room. Something was different.

The baby blue bed spread was indented like someone had sat on it, someone with much wider hips than I did. The window was open, and a cold breeze fluttered through the room allowing me to catch a scent.

Walking to the window, I looked at the white window seal and ran my finger up the side pulling it away and seeing the redness of blood staining my finger tip.

Wiping it on my pants, I bent down onto my knees and looked under the bed. Nothing. Standing up, I walked over to the bathroom door and gripped the door knob. Immediately, I knew what was behind that door was no pretty picture.

And I was right.

Swinging the door open, I gasped when I saw who was inside. Sam. Sitting on the edge of the bath tub with tweezers, digging into his skin and wincing. "Sam" I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand and taking a sharp breath.

He wasn't wearing any clothes, and was covered in sticky, dried blood. Bite and scratch marks covered his body and a huge gash was pouring blood from his neck, running into the bath tub. He looked at me and his angry expression softened. "What..what happened?

"Why have you been gone so long?" He asked, like a kid. He gulped and turned his attention back to his arm, where glass was poking out. "Here.. let me.." I trailed off, reaching to take the tweezers out of his hand. "I'm not a little kid, Allie. I can take care of myself. I've been doing it for 19 years, I can get class out of my arm" He growled, digging the tweezers into his arm and digging around for glass.

"Sam, you came all the way to Boston and you're sitting completely naked in the bathtub covered in blood. I know you can take care of your self, but you are not in the state to do so" My voice quivered, and he handed them over slowly. Getting on my knees in front of him, I took his arm and began to pull the glass out slowly.

We didn't speak, I didn't ask and he didn't move. Occasionally he would pull away when I cleaned his wounds that where healing quickly, but other than that we remained still.

"Allie, are you coming?" A voice, Tyler, asked from the bedroom door, and I froze. Sam gave me a angry look "N-no. I'm going to go to bed, long day" I calmly replied, seeing Sam's face turn red. "Alright. I'm going down stairs" Tyler said and I heard feet running down stairs. Standing, I turned to clean the glass off the tweezers;

"Who was that?" Sam growled, shooting his hand out and grabbing my hips. He stood and pulled me to him, and something seemed different. He was stronger, and taller than last time.

"My cousin, Tyler. Sam.. what's wrong? Why are you all bloody and why are you here? You seem different.." I asked, running my hand across his chest.

He sat on the toilet, pulling me closer and resting his head against my stomach. He held me for a moment, breathing. "My dad threatened you, Allie. That is not acceptable, even by family. Then he threatened my position as Alpha because I didn't want to be the little errand boy today.." Sam said quietly, "He will no longer be bothering you".

My eyes went wide, hearing his words. He just went all Scar face meets the Godfather in a few seconds "Wait.. you killed your own father!?" I hissed, and he shook his head "No! I just beat the old man into submission. The Alpha title is mine, Allie. I'm the Alpha of my-our pack and you're my Luna" He said with so much pride in his voice, that also showed his love for me.

"I ran all the way here, for you. 1,000 miles non-stop running. I needed to know you where safe, and warm, and bundled up like I told you to" He laughed, pulling me onto his lap.

"I love you Allie. No matter what Ruby or Ms.Rat face says, you don't need to visit family that coulden't see the amazing you who I love more than anything in the f*cked up place we call Earth. You need to stay with me" He said in my ear, kissing it and breathing like he was on the verge of tears, which was kind of sexy.

"I love you Sam"

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