Chapter Forty-Six: Unedited

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The feeling of being weightless consumed my body and a odd, happy, fluttering, feeling filled my stomach. The seat belt dug into my hip and chest as Sam and Carter wrapped their arms around me so I was almost completely on their laps. "You're safe, I've got you, i'll protect you" Sam whispered in my ear, holding my head into the crook of his neck as we hit the ground.

All the wind was knocked out of me when we hit the ground and a gasp escaped me as my lungs fought for breath. Sam and Carter held me tighter, not giving me and wiggle room. The soda i'd brought, a Dr.Pepper, tipped over and spilled onto my feet, sloshing around in Sam's boots as we continued to roll and roll across the deserted highway.

Clenching my eyes shut, I tried to block out the sound of crushing and screeching metal. The airbags went off and white filled my vision, causing Sam and Carter to pull me tighter against them to protect me from the impact.

It was romantic, Sam protecting me at the risk of his own life. He wasn't wearing a seat belt after all and his side took most of the impact when Gray flipped the car.


Once we stopped rolling we all looked forward in shock at the severely dented hood and watched it start to smoke and burn, it was on fire. I felt Sam slip his arm farther around me and struggle to unbuckle my seat belt as the fire grew and the crushed car seemed to close in on us. "Allie..Allie's human" He said frantically, and Carter released me from his iron-like grip.

"Gray! Wake up Gray!" Jess screamed from the front seat as smoke filled the car and my lungs. "Everyone get out! That stupid b*tch!" Carter cursed, ripping my seat belt off me. Sam turned to the side and kicked the door, sending it flying across the highway.

Sam pulled me out, and Carter slid out behind us. "Gray! Jess! Sam-go help!" I screamed, struggling to get out of his arms to go help the two. Jess had tears running down her face as she tried to wake Gray up. "She tried to kill you, and you want to save her?" Carter asked in shock as I pushed Sam to let me go. "Just because she's done wrong doesn't mean she deserves to die!" I yelled, getting out of Sam's arms and lunging to the car before it exploded.

Sam wrapped his arms around me and yanked me back as Carter ran to the car and pulled Gray out, Jess following. "You just tried to run toward a burning car, are you crazy?" Sam asked, turning me around and staring into my eyes. "She was going to die, Sam!" I said, looking back as Jess kneeled over Gray's body. "She woulden't have died, she's a Were" Sam said, rubbing my shoulders slightly frustrated.

Giving him a slight glare, I turned to listen to Carter. "You're mom and dad are coming to get you and Allie, Andrew's coming to get Gray and Jess to try them for attempted murder of the Alpha and Luna." Carter said and Sam nodded, turning me to face him. "Are you alright my love?" Sam asked, and I nodded, moving onto my tip toes to give him a gentle kiss. "I love you so much" I whispered, and he whispered the same, moving his hands to my hips.

"I'll protect you no matter what" He said as Carter pushed us apart.


"No, you know this." I laughed, flicking Sam's temple. "Um...The Notebook?" Sam asked, shaking his head. "How can you be so clueless? Her favorite book is Charlotte's Web!" Carter yelled from the other side of the highway. "Hey, shut-up and listen!" Jess yelled and Sam stopped growling.

In the distance was the faintest sound of a car-no, two cars. Andrew and Sam's Dad. "Get the b*tches" Sam said, standing up and wrapping a arm around my waist. "Two things: Don't call them b*tches, their lady's, and I can walk" I said, wrapping a arm around his neck and pulling up to kiss his cheek. "Sam, you're burning up.." I mumbled as the cars approached/

"I'm hot, I know" Sam laughed as the black Escapades pulled up.

It's short, I know. And I've gotten alot of messages telling me that people the updates are messing up. The only way to fix this (Wattpad as explained it) is to fan/follow me.

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