Chapter Forty-Eight:

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Big thanks to for editing this

(**Sam's P.o.V**)

"You need to come to bed, Sam. It's late and you're sick. Too sick to be working 10 hours straight", A sweet voice cooed and I looked up from my computer screen only to see a very tired looking Allie. "I'm not sick" I reminded her, trailing my eyes up her long tan legs. Tearing my eyes away from her legs that seemed to go on for miles, I looked up at her beautiful face.

She leaned against the door frame, her hair loose and wild as it cascaded down her back in black waves that I desperately wanted to run my fingers through. "I keep trying to sleep, but I need your body heat, and a big spoon" She pouted, pushing off the wall and making her way to me seductively. As she walked I tried to look away but her flimsy shorts and thin tank-top where like a magnet, I just had to look as she walked slower.

"Kitten.. are you sure you should be roaming around in that..outfit?" I cleared my throat and looked into her eyes, which where about eye level with me even while I sat. "This-" She pulled her tank-top for affect, giving me a slight view of her cleavage "-is just the beginning. You see, every time I have to come get you to come to bed with me, I'll remove an item of clothing. First my shorts, then my shirt, then my-" She giggled, walking her fingers up my chest to my shoulders where she dug her fingers in and rubbed gently.

"-I get the idea. But I really need to get this done Peaches." I whimpered, reaching out for her and grasping her thin hips. "Sam.." She pouted, as I pulled her onto my lap and adjusted her so she was straddling me. "You can fall asleep in my arms while I work, and when I'm done I'll carry you to bed with me and I'll be your big spoon.

Deal?" I told her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her closer. "Just..let me.." She giggled, unbuttoning my shirt and pushing the fabric to the side exposing my chest. I helped her pull my shirt off, throwing it to the ground, then she snuggled back up against me.

"Sugar, what are you doing?" I asked, adjusting myself so she wasn't rubbing against my manhood so hard. "Getting comfy.." She whispered against my neck, and I had to control my urge to rip her clothes off and take her then and there on my desk, harder than ever before. "Go.. go to sleep" I mumbled, moving my arms around her and looking back at my computer screen so I could get back to work.


Pressing send, I leaned back with a satisfied smile. I'd bought the house, the one I'd been looking into for weeks. It was beautiful, everything Allie would want in a house. Wood floors, high ceilings, an amazing kitchen, basement, pool, grand back yard, everything. My favorite though, was the master bedroom that was secluded.

Allie shifted on my lap, turning her head to the other side whispering my name almost silently. Her hands moved to my chest, reminding me why we where here and how telling her the good news would have to wait till tomorrow when she was awake, and not half naked. Wrapping my hands around her smooth thighs, I stood up slowly making sure she stayed asleep. Allie grumbled in annoyance, making me let out a gentle laugh.

"Sorry, Princess" I chuckled, kissing her cheek and making my way to my bedroom. "Hey" Someone said and I turned to see Carter and Andrew in the living room, a case of beer between them. "Hey" I replied quietly, motioning to Allie who pulled herself up. "Did you...?" Carter asked with a smirk, spanking the air.

"No." I growled, turning on my heel about to go upstairs when Andrew spoke; "We need to decide what we're going to do about Gray and Jess, Sam. You can't just keep pushing it farther and farther back in the pile. I saw you do it, so don't try and say you didn't do it." Andrew said, standing up. "What do you want me to do? Kill them? I can't do that. You of all people should know that-" I said softly, but Andrew didn't maintain our quiet conversation.

"-You've gone soft. We've all noticed, Sam. What happened to the guy who wouldn't back down from a fight? The normal you would have killed David and Ian the moment you found out about him.. but now you're to busy worrying about what Allie's wearing and where she is and how you can be a better mate. Sometimes I wish you hadn't ever met her" Andrew growled, and Allie whimpered in my arms. Smoothing her hair, I shot him my meanest glare "Know your place, brother." I growled, stepping forward so I was in his face.

"You say I've have gone soft? Do you want to test that theory, brother?" Carter finally stood up, and touched my shoulder motioning for me to give him Allie in case Andrew and I got into a fight. "I know my place. As a Beta it's my job to tell you that ever since you met Allie you've been becoming more and more-weak." Andrew spat, and I felt my blood come to a boil.

I wanted nothing more than to rip him to shreds but Allie's soothing breath was keeping me calm. Turning, with very heavy foot steps I made my way to the stairs only looking back to say; "Andrew, you better pray to God Carter comes to your rescue the next time I see you. Because I can't promise complete control next time." I spat, holding Allie tighter to my chest.

"Be warned, brother. I have more power in my pinky than you have in your entire body" My voice was louder than I intended, and I heard Allie's heart quicken as she almost woke up.

(**Allie's P.O.V**)

I was woken up by the sun shining into the room and Sam's warm hands on my body, holding me in place as we slept. His arm was under my head, wrapping around and holding my hand while the other gently massaged my hip. "How long have you been awake?" I asked groggily, running my free hand up and down his arm "A bit. You're so beautiful when you sleep and I had alot to think about" He said gently, pushing my hair out of my face.

"Uh-oh. Tell me about it" I ordered, rolling around to face him. "Last night, Andrew said I was going soft." Sam admitted, pulling me forward and sniffing my neck. "Well.." I trailed off, trying to wrap my arms around him only to be slightly pushed away. "'Well' what?" Sam asked with a frown, staring into my eyes.

Gulping, I struggled for the right words. "I like you softer, you're still intimidating and sexy, but not as..scary as you where when I met you." I shrugged, trying to pull him to me but he pulled farther away and climbed out of his bed. "Sam..where are you going?" I asked, kicking the sheets back and trying to stand. "To defend my masculenity"

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