Chapter Forty-Nine:

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Flopping back on Sam's bed, I pulled the pillow over my face and screamed. A few seconds later I heard the front door slam so hard the entire house shook. That boy.. Goodness knows I loved him. I didn't care if he was 'soft'! He was perfect just the way he was! "Wow..Allie? What are you doing?" A soft voice asked, and I moved the pillow off my face.

Andrew was leaning against the door, his blond hair disheveled and his 'That's So Raven' shirt tucked into his red basketball shorts. "Sam..he's a hot mess" I laughed, patting the bed and moving to the side for him to sit.

He moved slowly, looking around the room. "What? Afraid I have Gray and Jess in here?" I scoffed, pulling the pillow to my chest as I just realized I wasn't wearing a bra. "No. Sam." Andrew replied stiffly, falling onto the bed and crossing his legs. "This woulden't have to do with the whole 'soft' thing does it?" I asked, sitting up straighter and tucking my hair behind my ears.

Andrew groaned and fell back "I know it was mean and disrespectful-he is still Alpha though- but someone had to tell him! We all knew he didn't want anything to do with the Gray and Jess thing because they'd been your friends and how it'd look bad to punish Gray after the 'I'm in love with him' thing, and I pushed him to far and he had the Ian and David thing and it was just to much for him and he was stressed and we-" Andrew started but the look I shot him made him stop dead in his tracks. "You what?" I hissed and Andrew sat up.

He looked shocked, and slightly scared as I moved onto my knees. "You're the one who put the idea in his head that he was-was weak? How could you? He's your brother, and he's trying to balance..EVERYTHING!" I screamed at him, pushing his shoulder with my hand. "You gave him the idea he was soft? He's your Alpha! And I may not know alot about Werewolf mambo-jumbo, but you do not call your Alpha 'soft'!" I yelled even louder, pushing him again and again.

"Allie..i'm sorry! I was drunk-" He tried but I kept pushing him. "That's your excuse? You where drunk? You know what, i'm going to deal with this" I hissed, standing up and walking to Sam's closet. "Allie..please!" Andrew yelled, jumping off Sam's bed and walking over to me. "You know Sam, Andrew! He will take this to far and do something stupid" I said over my shoulder, grabbing one of Sam's sweatshirts and wrapping it around my body.

I grabbed my phone and keys off his dresser and ran out of his room, knowing exactly where I was going. "Bruce!" I yelled, thundering down the steps two at a time while Andrew called my name. "Oh. Hello, Allie. How are you?" Bruce asked, sipping his coffee at the kitchen table while Lucy flipped pancakes. "As Luna of this pack I want to take the liberty of declaring Jess and Gray's punishment".


OMG IT'S SO SHORT! But yes, I needed to post this chapter TONIGHT to give you some time to think about what Allie's going to be doing!

I'd also like to ask if I have any readers who make book covers? I need one for my knew book: 'The Alpha'

It is not in the MLTTA series, but it will be as CRAZY of a love story. So, any of you amazing book cover makers, PLEASE MESSAGE ME THE LINK!

That is all


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