Five: Magnus Bane

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Alec helped unload the trunk when they arrived back in Alicante. Once they pulled up past the gates, it seemed like the entire town came to see what kind of goods they had. They were already fascinated with the car, lightly touching it with a hand to make sure it was real and not a dream of some sort.

Jace clapped Alec on the shoulder. "Damn, brother. You certainly had your work cut out for you today."

Alec rolled his eyes. "You're welcome, by the way. If it weren't for those YouTube videos back in the day, I would never have known how to hotwire a car."

Jace laughed. "YouTube. Those were the days, huh?"

"What's a YouTube?" Max asked. He had pushed through the crowd to reach his siblings and looked kind of annoyed that he had to.

Alec picked him up in his arms. He was only as light as a feather . "It's a website people used to go on back when we had internet. You could watch videos and stuff. Didn't you learn about that in school?"

"No. I'll ask Ms. Gray about it later. What did you bring back for me?"

"Bring back for you? I brought you back this car," Alec laughed when Max's eyes grew wide. "I'm kidding, little man. I found some books I think you might like."

He set Max down and reached into his backpack and pulled out five books, handing them to Max. His little brother looked them over carefully. "Captain Underpants? What is he, a superhero or something?"

"Totally. I read them too when I was younger. I think you'll like them," Alec chuckled as he ruffled Max's hair. "Just give them a read. If you don't like them then I promise to find something else for you the next time I go out."

This seem to please the little boy as he skipped off to join the other kids and show them his new books.

Simon lifted a box of cans from the trunk. "I still can't believe we never checked the houses first. They're usually better stocked than stores anyway."

Isabelle nodded in agreement. "Houses should've been the first thing we checked. That way they would've been cleared out by now."

"Well if you guys think you can lead better than I can, then go right ahead and take over." Alec watched and waited for them to reply, but both of them stayed silent. "Didn't think so. I'm doing the best I can here. If you don't agree with something, speak up. Don't wait until the last minute all the time."

Jace made a face as Alec walked away, raising a hand to cut Isabelle off from retorting. "Alec. We know you're doing your best. You've been doing your best for five years and we appreciate that. Maybe it's time to take a step back. Let one of us take the role as provider for a while."

Alec stopped in his tracks. He looked over his shoulder at his two younger siblings and shook his head. "You weren't there when I made a promise to our parents to take care of you. I'm not going back on that promise. Ever."

Jace bowed his head. "And I respect that. I do. But you need to take a break, Alec. Stay behind on runs. Hang out with Max for a while and read him stories. He'd like that."

Sighing heavily, Alec ran a hand through his hair. "One run. That's all I'm staying behind on. I can't afford to stay behind while Isabelle is out there with a bunch of newbies."

"Wow. Really feeling the love here, Alec," Simon muttered. "I'm glad you worry for my safety out there and not just your sister's."

"Mine too," Raj nodded in agreement. 

Alec shot them both a look but said nothing. "I'm going to go bring the medical supplies to Jem. He'll be happy to hear that we found more antibiotics and bandages."

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