Nine: Brooklyn, A.Z.

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The storm did a decent amount of damage to the small neighbourhood where Magnus was originally staying. As the small group walked through the street, bits of shingle and shattered glass crunched under their feet. Fallen bricks were scattered everywhere. Doors that had blown off of houses now rest on the sidewalk as if they'd been there all along. It looked like chaos.

"The storm must've blown through here too," Alec looked around at the shops they'd only been to days before. "Now it finally looks like it's been ransacked."

Magnus stopped by his old home. The roof had blown off completely and landed onto another house. "My poor home. I'd been there a month now. You served me well."

They continued to walk through the streets and took in all the damage that the storm did. It was hard to believe that so much happened in so little time but then again it was believable. The zombie apocalypse only happened because the US claimed they had the cure to cancer, but it ended up being a worldwide pandemic that brought the deceased back to life. The world went to shit in a matter of days.

"Should we set up camp for the remainder of the day? Max is getting tired," Isabelle was barely able to hold up her little brother's body as he stumbled forward, eyes drooping from exhaustion.

Alec sighed. "I guess we can. Let's check one of the houses. Jace, you take the back door. Simon and I will check the front. Magnus, you guard the girls."

"Guard the girls? Are you kidding me? Isabelle's probably more capable than I am at protecting herself!" Magnus scoffed. "But if you insist. I'll guard the girls."

As the other men disappeared around a corner, Magnus took this opportunity to look around. This part of Brooklyn used to be a small community back in the day; he remembered how the people used to be and how active they were in various charities and activities for the kids. He'd volunteered for a few of them himself. Now all the good people were gone.

"They call it A.Z.," Clary spoke up. "After Zombies. This is Brooklyn, A.Z."

"A.Z.," Magnus repeated. "I never knew that. I've heard people say it but I've always assumed they were talking about Arizona. Thought they were nuts."

Isabelle chuckled. "They're nuts to be even thinking of Arizona. I heard that's the worst place you can go nowadays in this country. That or Los Angeles."

"Ooh. LA. I wouldn't go there. I mean there's lots of places to scavenge from but just think of how many Forsaken are there too. LA isn't a small place either," Clary shook her head. "I'll stick with where I'm to now. At least I'm familiar with it."

Alec and the boys came back around the corner. "All clear. Let's set up camp here. Anyone want to make a run with me? See what we can find?"

When no one answered, Magnus rolled his eyes. "I'll go, seeing how no one else is eager to risk their life. Lead the way, great leader."

Alec did lead the way, rather heroically, Magnus took notice of. His stance was always ready to run but at the same time, ready to shoot if necessary. He had both a gun in his belt and a bow around his shoulders. The quiver on his back was filled with arrows and Magnus guessed that Alec didn't want to waste those arrows. Other than that, Alec Lightwood looked like a modern day, post apocalyptic Robin Hood.

"And what exactly are we looking for?" Magnus poked a bobble head shaped like Lady Liberty on a shelf.

"Anything of use. Food, blankets, clothes. Anything that might come in handy later on when the temperature drops even more," Alec didn't break his stride as he wandered around what used to be a gas station. He was focused and in the zone.

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