Eleven: Home Again

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"Here we are. Home sweet home."

The Lightwood home must've been a sight back in the day. Standing at two stories tall with fancy windows and a dangerously spiked fence, it was obvious to Magnus that this house meant business when it was at its prime. It was also painstakingly clear that the Lightwoods were rich. Emphasis on 'were' considering that money had no real value these days. It was just paper that people burned to keep warm on the cold days.

"Wow...." Magnus whistled. "Did you guys have your own butlers and maids here too?"

"We had a few. They were like family to us," Alec said as he jiggled the lock on the iron gates. "We haven't been back here in five years. When my parents escaped with us, everyone else ran too. We didn't even get to say goodbye."

Magnus shrugged. "Sometimes you're better off without one."

Alec said nothing. He continued to pull and jiggle the enormous lock that was blocking their way to safety. "Izzy, do you have your lock pick with you?"

"I never go anywhere without it," Isabelle beamed. She stepped in front of the group and pulled out a small box from her backpack. Inside contained several small instruments that were made specifically to pick locks of all shapes and sizes.

Magnus looked impressed. "Where did you find this handy little kit?"

"In one of the houses Alec and I raided one time. Can you honestly believe that someone just left these useful gadgets lying around? Anyone could come along and take them," Isabelle looked up at Magnus and smirked. "I'm actually glad they didn't take it. It's helped us out more than once in a tight situation. I don't think I'd survive without it."

"Well color me impressed. I should invest in one of my own lock pick sets. All I got going for me right now is a hair clip and a wire coat hanger. Think there's a chance I'll find one around?"

"You never know what's lying around here," said Isabelle, "so feel free to take what you want. It's not like we're using it." The lock clicked open. "Bingo. Mission accomplished. Next stop, the Lightwood home."

The inside was nothing but dust and cobwebs. As the small group stepped inside, they were immediately hit with the smell of something rotting from somewhere inside the house. While none of them made a sound, Alec made a motion with his hand, prompting Isabelle and Jace to raise their weapons and tiptoe into opposite directions.

Magnus followed behind Alec, leaving Max behind with Simon and Clary. The eldest Lightwood moved with such stealth and expertise that Magnus couldn't help but wonder how many times he'd done this since this whole mess started.

"Looks clear here," Alec whispered. He lowered his bow with a sigh. "The smell is probably coming from the second floor."

"If it is, then it can't be a Forsaken. You said everyone escaped. Right?" Magnus glanced a photo on the table beside them. He wiped off the dust to see what it was a picture of. "Is this you and your family?"

Alec turned to see what Magnus was looking at. "Ah. That's my high school graduation. I didn't want a photo taken but my mom insisted. She loved making photo memories." He pointed to a beautiful woman with dark hair and bright eyes. "That's my mom. She loved scrapbooking and cooking. Typical mom things, you know?"

"And that's your dad?" Magnus pointed to a bald man with a beard whose smile was so broad that his eyes crinkled around the corners. Alec's did the same thing when he smiled.

"That's my old man. Huge hockey fan. Every year we'd go to the Stanley Cup playoffs together and cheer on the Boston Red Wings. His favorite team." Alec chuckled down at the photo. "I miss them sometimes, you know? But I can't dwell too much on the past. I've got the present and the future to worry about."

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