Twenty Two: Warehouse 7

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"Where's Alec?"

Magnus stretched his neck and glanced around the crowded cafeteria. Alec was nowhere to be seen. When they had left the examination room, Alec had been right behind them. So unless he had stayed back to get his wound checked, Magnus assumed that's where he was right now.

"Wasn't he getting examined with you guys?" Clary asked as she grabbed a tray. Her face was dirty from taking a tour of the coal room where she'd chosen to work.

"He was. Was it as bad for you ladies as it was for us? Dr. Branwell has Pervert written all over him." Jace shuddered at the thought.

"Livvy was actually really nice. She made us feel comfortable before looking us over," Isabelle told him. "As for our older brother, he's probably getting stitched up properly. He'll catch up with us later when he's ready."

Magnus looked around the room again. Alec missed breakfast earlier and it looked like he was about to miss lunch as well. "Make sure no one's looking, yeah? I'm sneaking some food for Alec."

The group made sure no one was looking as Magnus stuffed some sandwiches into his shirt. It wasn't inconspicuous; the outline of the plastic wrapped food was still visible through the thin material of his shirt.

"You better hope you don't get caught taking that," said a familiar accented voice. Magnus turned to see Keeley standing behind him, eyebrow raised as she reached for a food tray for herself.

"I won't. Unless someone decides to squeal," Magnus retorted. He looked down at his watch and nodded. "Huh. Look at that. You're just in time for tea."

Keeley shot him a look. "So just because I'm British you're going to associate me with tea, are you? You shit faced monkey wanker."

Simon choked back a laugh as did Jace. Clary and Isabelle stared at the teenager with their jaws dropped, shocked that she had such a potty mouth.

Magnus didn't seem too phased by her. "Fair enough-hey. Have you seen Alec anywhere?"

"Alec? You mean tall, dark and handsome? Last I saw he was being led into the room where scavengers plan their routes. Which is surprising, actually. Hardly anyone ever gets recruited unless they're personally sought out."

Magnus' jaw dropped. "Alec got the job? Just like that?"

Keeley grabbed a sandwich for her tray. "You didn't hear this from me. I also didn't see you stealing food."

Magnus smirked. "Smart girl. And I'm not technically stealing. I'm saving some for a friend who missed breakfast this morning. He's probably starving."

Keeley popped a gum in her mouth and said "Aren't we all?" before turning and leaving with her tray of food, flipping Magnus the middle finger as she walked away.

"Charming kid, isn't she? Nice to know teenagers are still angsty little shits," Magnus grumbled. "Let's get some food in us. I'm starving."

They sat at a table to quietly eat. By the time they had taken their last bite, Alec still wasn't with them and it was causing them to worry a little bit. The cafeteria crowd was thinning out as they waited for him to show up but he didn't.

"Where is he?" Jace grumbled.

"Keeley said he was with the scavengers. Maybe they're giving him the rundown of their job?" Isabelle picked up her butter knife and began to carve her name into the table, coughing into her sleeve. "You know Alec. He likes to know all the details and assess the situation before getting involved."

As she continued to cough, Simon pat her on the back and handed her some water. "Come on. I'm taking you to see the doc about your cold. He'll have some medicine for you."

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