Fourteen: The Grand Plan

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Though Alec was used to sleeping in small places, never have he ever had to sleep in one as a hostage. He had almost forgotten that he and Magnus were sleeping inside a complete stranger's house when he woke up to see a woman pouring tea into a cup. It was Catarina. She looked up him, putting a finger to her lips.

"What time is it?" Alec whispered to her.

"Just a little after 5. The scavengers usually gather near the gates at 6 when they've finished breakfast. Are you one of them?"

"Yeah. What are they like? The others, I mean. The other runners."

Catarina quickly glanced out the window. "Ruthless. They'll kill any group on the road that won't willingly give them their supplies. I've seen them gun down children without batting an eyelash."

Alec shuddered at the thought of having to shoot a human child. "I'm not like that. My group don't take from other groups. We find what we can in abandoned houses and stores."

Catarina leaned over and placed a gentle hand on his leg. "Then you're one of the good ones."

Magnus woke up then, stretching and cracking his neck. "Boy. That wasn't the best sleep I've ever had. Didn't make my top ten list that's for sure."

"Next time book the Plaza Hotel if you're going to complain about sleeping space. We work with what we have here," Catarina handed them both a cup of tea. "Drink this. It'll keep you warm at least for a little while. Go get breakfast before the crowd comes and then line up with the other scavengers. You'll receive further instructions from there."

Both Alec and Magnus drank their tea and thanked her for her help, quietly slipping out of the house without anyone noticing them. The aroma of breakfast wafted in the air around them. Alec drooled; he could smell bacon and fresh bread and quite possibly oatmeal being made in the kitchen. As they approached, they could both see Simon in the back, stirring a large pot of oatmeal around on a stove. He looked sweaty and tired but more than anything else, he looked terrified.

"Simon!" Alec called out over the noise. "Are you okay?" Someone shoved Alec from behind, causing him to stumble forward a few feet. When he turned to see who had shoved him, Raphael looked up at him with a smug look on his face.

"How'd you sleep, new guy? The dogs didn't get after you?" He smirked, piling his plate up with food.

"Please tell me you're not one of the scavengers...." Alec grumbled. Magnus didn't say anything as Alec shot him a glance.

"That I am. Leader, actually. Have been for a while." Raphael chuckled as Alec stared coldly at him. "You look a bit disappointed. Or upset. Do my leadership skills offend you?"

Alec stood his ground. He wasn't about to let some child killer get the best of him so he stood up taller, squaring his shoulders. "It takes a lot more than that to offend me. Aim higher. If you can reach."

Magnus stifled a laugh by covering it with a cough, as did a few of the men around them. Raphael glared at them all until they were silenced. "Get your breakfast and get the fuck in line. Savour it while you can. It might be your last."

Food was slapped down onto Alec's tray by the people working behind the counter. They smirked as both he and Magnus walked out of the lineup, blowing a kiss and waving mockingly. Simon gave them an apologetic smile but said nothing as they sat down at a table to eat.

"I hope you've got an escape plan in the works," whispered Alec, "because I refuse to stay here any longer than I have to."

Magnus shoved a piece of toast into his mouth. "Of course I have a plan in the works. It's just going to take time to work out all the kinks."

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