Chapter 1: The proposal

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He bent down to the ground and plopped himself up on his right knee. Tears were threatening to spill from his puppy dog eyes. His face said it all. 'Please say yes'. I took a deep breath and licked my dry lips. This was the hardest decision of my life. How do I say this?

"No" I spoke, snatching my hand out of his and spinning around to get the coffee ready.  Adrian sighed with frustration.  I felt him stood up and hover over me.

"I thought we were friends" he dug at me. I rolled my eyes.

"We were"

I felt him blow in my ear making me squirm in discomfort. 

"you're evil" he spat with venom in his voice and leaned against the counter, throwing his arms over his chest and forming a cross.

I stiffened a laugh. Adrian is the nicest person you'll meet until you get on his bad side which I happen to be today.

"Why can't you just come with me?" He whined like a child who got his candy taken away. I pressed the lid on the coffee cup and shoved it towards him.

"Because" I began "I have work"

OK that was a lie but I'd rather be thrown in a hole then go to some fancy party where there's limited food and boring old people. Did I mention limited food? Adrian knew I was lying. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You do know I employ you at this coffee shop right?" He asked, although he wasn't looking for an answer. 

I frowned. Adrian was my best friend and also my boss. He knew how to get me either way. I sighed and threw my hands in the air.

"Fine, I'll go". I couldn't believe I actually agreed to this. Adrian couldn't contain his happiness and lifted me up, spinning me around.

"I love you" he breathed.

I snorted. "Yeah I know, I mean who wouldn't?". He didn't get the joke and just rolled his eyes at me.

"You're heavy as fuck" he said before walking away, wafting his hand indicating me to get back to work. I swore at him under my breath.  What a way to make a girl feel special.

"Be ready by 7" Adrian yelled, popping his head through main entrance. I gave him a nodd before getting back to work and serving people at the counter.

Time didn't stop and soon it was 6pm. I finally closed the shop up and ran home to get ready before Adrian kills me for being late. Adrian is the owner of the cafe but he's also working at some company where his boss is throwing a party. He was told to take a +1 but since Adrian's a loner and single I was unfortunately forced to go along with him.

I looked through my closet and found a red dress and threw it on. I quickly did my hair and put on some make up. The least I could do is look presentable. I glanced at myself at the mirror. A smile crept up my lips. 'You look just like your mother' my dad's voice rang in my mind as I could see the exact replicate.  I had her hazel brown eyes and her facial features. 

I shook the thoughts of my parents out of my head and ran downstairs. Just when I was about to step on the last step of the stairs, I felt my legs slip and my body being thrown to the ground.  A shriek escaped my lips and I felt a sharp pain on my leg. I pulled myself up and saw a cut in my inner thigh. I cursed under my breath and quickly stood up dusting myself.

The doorbell rang, giving me no time to fix my cut.

"Adeline" Adrian called from the other side of the door.

I bit my lip and opened the door.  Adrian's eyes went from bored to interested. He studied me from top to bottom and a smile appeared on his lips. 

"Who knew you could wash up so well?" He chuckled as I slapped him on  the shoulder.

"Same goes for you" I smirked eyeing his suit. This was probably the first time I saw him looking so classy. Normally he'd look like a bag of shit. I had to admit he looked good for once.

"Come on, let's go" he said as he began walking towards his car. 

I quickly locked up and tiptoed behind him. My heels clicked against the ground making noises. I almost lost my footing and grabbed onto Adrian like my life depends on it.

"Holy shit" I gasped in shock. My life almost ended right there and then. Adrian wasn't amused.

"Are you purposely trying to rip my suit?" He asked. I giggled and released him, allowing him to adjust his suit.

We got into the car and finally hit the road. It was a half an hour drive and the whole time, I regretted not eating before we got out.  My stomach was making noises like a whale. We finally arrived and I couldn't be happier.

"Is there food?" I nudged Adrian as we entered a grand mansion. He rolled his eyes

"is that all you think about?"

I frowned. "No. Well yes but I'm hungry" I replied.

He gave me a stern look as we walked in. My jaw literally dropped to the floor as we entered the grand hall. The room was bigger than my whole house by itself. Holy cow, how does someone afford this place? I felt like a tourist as I sneaked a few pictures to brag about. Adrian was losing it with me as people began to notice.

"Addy" he muttered, faking a smile. "I will kill you"

I frowned and shoved my phone back in my purse. "Sorry" I mumbled.  This is why I am not fit for places like this.

"Look, you stay here and I'm just gonna go and quickly say hi to those people OK?" Adrian said before walking away without even hearing my reply.

I sighed and travelled towards the food table. The catering people smiled at me, giving me advice on what to pick. I felt so giddy to be finally eating. My plate was full by now. Just when I was about to walk to a table, I felt an arm snake around my waist and pull me back.

"There you are babe" a husky voice spoke, as my eyes landed on theirs.

A young man with light brown eyes had me wrapped around close to him. I blinked a couple of times. Who the hell was this handsome guy calling babe?

"Excuse me?" I asked narrowing my eyebrows. He gave me a nervous laugh. His lips parted and he mouthed 'just play along'

This was more confusing then that math question on my exam.

"Ah so this is her I presume?" Another male but much older asked.

A crowed gathered around us and I began to panic. Someone grabbed my plate of food and snatched it away.  I was heartbroken. The guy besides me released his grip and took a  few steps back.

Just when I was about to open my mouth, he bent down to the ground on one knee. A sudden emotion of panic washed over me as my body froze in shock. My blood became cold and the colour on my face drained.

"I must be crazy" the man muttered quietly before pulling out a ring.

His eyes gazed into mine and I could've sworn I saw desperation in his. He licked his pink plump lips and ran his hands through his brown locks of hair. His jaw clenched before his lips parted to speak.

"Baby, will you.." he began "will you..marry me?"

Gasps could be heard from the crowd which was continuing to get bigger. I felt my heart beat rise and my mouth became dry. Why was this stranger proposing to me like he knows me?

And how in the world did getting food turn into a marriage proposal?!

What is going on?!


Hi. Thank you for reading my story. I hope you like the first chapter and please vote and comment for the next!

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