29: when the husband isn't home

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*unedited So may contain grammar mistakes*

"Are you sure you're pregnant?" He asked, staring at me with a deeply disturbed expression.

I snort. "Yeah, why?"

His mouth parted slightly, giving me the most horrified expression ever. "That's a beer can you're trying to open"

I paused and looked at the can before back at Jase and then back at the can.

Dang it. I thought I could fool this guy better than Liam and sneak a few gulps down to drown my sorrow over my husband's busy schedules at work.

I sigh and place the can down. "The truth is I-"

"Have pregnancy brain" Jase continued after cutting my sentence off. I mean, if you wanna call it that we just call it that.

"Yeah exactly. I'll just drink this fizzy drink" I said, pretending like I had another pregnancy moment and try to open the can as quickly as possible. My moment was sadly snatched away by Jase.

"Liam will dig me out of my grave and kill me all over again if he found this out" he said sternly.

I sigh in disappointment, leaning back and sadly chewing on popcorn that would have tasted better with beer. I'm not even legally allowed to drink. Who am I trying to kid

We sat in silence, continuing to watch some random movie Jase picked out. Sadly Liam was at work and it's been like that for the past 2 days. The man barely comes home to have a shower nevermind to see me. Sigh

"I'm hungry" Jase moans, throwing his head back, looking at me with pleading eyes. Who does this boy think he is. I don't even make cereal for Liam

"Do I look like your maid?" I asked "go make it yourself"

He sighs. "Fine"

I grin, watching him stumble out of the living room whilst sulking. My stomach suddenly sent off telling me that my baby- food baby was hungry.

Well he's making food. I should be there for a taster.

"I'll come with you for support" I chirped, running behind Jase. We all need support when it comes to making food.

He snorts. "Support? Is that your way of eating half of my food?"

I glared at him, sitting on the counter chair and watching him rampage through the cupboards. "How dare you" I say, hurt "Don't accuse of me such truth"

Jase chuckled. "My apologies" he said with sarcasm and an eye roll.

This guy has grown some nerves to roll his eyes at me. I continue to watch him go through the 100 of cupboard in the kitchen.

"Hey don't you dare touch that one!" I hiss as his hand hovers over my cupboard that contains all the stolen food I took from Liam' s. Nobody touches my baby.

Jase rolled his eyes at me before going into other cupboards and bringing out ingredients for God knows what.

"Flour?" I ask, poking my fingers into the bowl he has already emptied into. Jase slaps my hand.

"Dont touch" he growls.

I frown and pout as I watch him do some next level baking. All I knew is that I was getting some cause boy he was cooking like it was for the whole neighbourhood.

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