chapter 11: He knows

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*unedited so it contains lots of grammar mistakes*

I stared at him, sleeping.  He slept on his stomach, with his head resting on his arm. His lips were formed into a small pout and his breathing reminded me of how peacefully he slept.

While I slept like shit.

I tilted the glass of water and watched it drip onto Liam's head. He woke up startled and his whole body swung like some ninja.

"Adeline" he grunted, as his eyes darkened "you are dead"

I giggled like a child and ran out of the room and soon I could hear his heavy steps behind me.

"Moom!" I cried, grabbing onto Julie as she suddenly appeared to view. I hid behind her as Liam approached us. He tried to pass by his mom but I used her as my shield.

"What are you two doing?" Julie asked, pushing her son back as he kept lunging towards me.

"It's nothing mom" Liam replied, "let me just grab her"

I squealed as Liam almost grabbed me "he said he's going to kill me" I snitch, smirking at Liam. Julie's eyes widen in horror.

"Look what she did" Liam groaned, pointing at his wet hair that fell on his forehead.  I bite my lip as Julie laughed. 

"Take her" she smirked, moving aside and giving Liam the chance to grab me. I gasped in shock, heart broken that she betrayed me. Not as heart broken as the time my food got taken away but it was close.

My heart breaks are all because of Liam

"Gotcha" he whispered in my ear, as he held onto my wrist, my back facing his body.

"Ha!" he happily yells. I give him a dirty look.

"Who put you in a bad mood?" He chuckles.

I laugh drily. "Oh I don't know" I began "maybe it was some jerk who moved like a whale all night and threw himself on me. Oh and how could I forget when you slept like a starfish, leaving me to sleep on the edge of the bed"

The struggle was real

Liam pouted his lips before speaking "guess you'll just have to get used to it"

"Will I heck" I spat and he took this opportunity to twist his arm, making mine follow and I fake a scream.

"It hurts!" I cry, whipping my head towards him, begging him to let go. I felt his grip loosen and his eyes softened for a moment.

"Aha!" I exclaim, kicking him on the leg. "Gotcha" I mimic his voice as he fell to the ground wincing in pain.

I roll my eyes as Liam goes full on drama mode and rolls on the ground like I've kicked him in the groin. Maybe I should've done that.

"Please" I snort, "you're such a drama queen"

Liam glances at me and winks. He began to roll again, this time screaming in pain.

I completely forgot that Julie was behind and just witnessed this whole drama. I cautiously turn to face her wrath. Her eyes just stared at me in shock as a small smile played on my lips.

"I'll go make breakfast.." I mumble with a awkward laugh before running down the stairs.

Just at that moment I could hear Julie laugh.

"So you're both OK?" She asks.

"Were okay" Liam replied.

I felt a smile creep up on my lips as I began to roam into the kitchen looking for something to make. I finally manage to finish making the pancakes Just in time for Julie and Liam to walk in.

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