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{Taehyung's POV}

I feel the tears hit my cheeks as I ball up another piece of paper and throw it on the floor. The tiredness is weighing heavy on my eyes, but I have to do this. For him.

No matter how hard I try to write the song for him it's nowhere near decent. My colleagues say it's perfect, but it's just not. There's nothing out there that's perfect enough to describe him and describe how I feel about him. Everything is just an understatement no matter how beautiful the words flow and look on the sheet music.

I refuse to leave the studio for more than a few hours until I have something that's some form of perfection, because that boy deserves nothing less than that. He deserves the world. A song written for royalty. No matter what he's done, no matter what I've said, no matter how many times we've been broken, he's still my everything.

He's the one I've dedicated my life and soul to at this point. He's somehow embedded himself into the corners of my mind despite the little communication we have now. He's managed to become something I breathe for despite the new marks on his wrists and the isolation from each other. He's managed to stay no matter how many times I've passively told him to leave. The ignored texts, the missed calls, the rejected acts of kindness, the soft knocks on my door waiting to be answered; everything he does for me, and yet I'm left not being able to do anything for him.

Not even write a song for him that's become my obligation to write.

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