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{Taehyung's POV}

"So the hearing aspect of the surgery ended up being successful. What happened was that we hit a nerve. We hit it because it was a deformed nerve that's not supposed to be there so we were not expecting it, and unfortunately it was a nerve that connects directly to the brain. We fixed it, but he's in a coma. He lost a lot of blood and he may or may not make it through this. He's a strong kid and I have faith in him, but there's still a possibility he could pass away. Taehyung, you go see him first. You can all go one at a time until he gets moved to a regular inpatient floor."

I couldn't believe this. My Jungkookie was in a coma. I had already been crying since we saw him a couple hours ago, and the tears were nowhere near stopping. It all just ripped my heart out. Jungkook was a part of me, so when he hurt I hurt. His pain was killing me.

I followed a nurse into the ICU unit and we stopped at door 9. She gave me a light pat on the shoulder and opened up the door for me. I was hesitant, but I took a deep breath and walked in; and man did it take everything in me not to throw up and breakdown right there while I tried to figure out who was laying in that bed.

Tufts of brown hair peeked out from underneath gauze and plaster. A tube was taped to his face that came protruding from his slightly open mouth. His arms laid out by his sides from the blanket, an IV in his hand and an oxygen monitor was stuck to his finger. Two bags of fluid, one bag of blood, and a bag of antibiotics hung on hooks above his bed. I could see another IV placed in his right arm. His face was pale and cheeks were sunken in. The only thing that reassured me that Jungkook was still alive was the slow beeping of his heart.

"Oh, Jungkookie." I winced out as I dragged myself over to the bed. With cautious movements I reached out and grabbed his hand. It was so cold. "Kookie-ah, I always told you that you need your mittens." I choked out. "Y-you know how great you still look. I wish I could squish your cheeks. I wish this was all a dream and you would wake up and tell me you were okay." I sniffled as more tears began to fall. I traced my fingers over the scars on his arm as we sat in the almost silence.

"I really miss you Jungkookie. I love you so much."


{Yoongi's POV}

"Hey dummy." I chuckle to myself as I sit next to Jungkook. "You know it's kinda weird saying that and not hearing 'shut up stupid hyung' after that." I look up and expect to see a smile, but only see the boy with a tube sticking out of his mouth.

"You can't leave us. You just can't. We need you. I need you. I know it doesn't seem like it all the time, but I really do need you here Jungkook. Sometimes you're the only reason I smile. You've become my brother and I can't lose you. So please; please fight for me. For all of us. I love you Jungkook." I wipe the tears threatening to roll down my cheeks and squeeze his cold hand.

"I hope you're sleeping well, Kookie."


{Seokjin's POV}

I walk into the room unprepared. I was already shocked when Yoongi came out crying, and I'm such a sissy how will I do this? When I turn the corner there he is. He looks pretty lifeless; and man does it kill me.

"Damn it Jeon Jungkook." I say as I plop down on the couch. I set the bag I brought to the side and just look at him. He's too pale. There's supposed to be pink in his cheeks from us constantly teasing him. This isn't right. This isn't our Jungkookie.

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