Familiar Faces/Building Relationships

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Jack purred from where he lay on the desk nearby his creator, tail flicking as he looked at the simbiots curled into his side. Rumble and Frenzy were hugging each other and looking as if they were about to nod off into recharge, Laserbeak roosting on Jack's helm.

Buzzsaw was still under the skilled digits of their creator, who worked endlessly and carefully in an attempt to put him back together, visor completely focused and EM field drawn in tight around his frame, though the simbiots could read the tenseness of his frame and hoped that it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

The silent mech was piecing the simbiote back together piece by little piece, the thought of all those pieces, some of which were melted and useless, was once their brother, only caused another spike of pain to pass through Jack's spark... Unable to bear it, he looked away.

Studying the wall beside him, he didn't realize that he had drifted off before a sensor-damaging squawk caused him to jump several feet in the air, surprised and immediately on guard, yellow optics falling on the flapping wings of Buzzsaw before the bird-simbiote smashed into him, sending him backwards with a 

Laserbeak darted out of the way, but Frenzy and Rumble, jerked out of the defrag their systems had been going through, couldn't move out of the way fast enough, resulting in Jack crashing on top of them.

"Yeow! Rav!" Frenzy squealed, trying to squirm out from under the larger simbiote, a pained expression on his faceplates.

"Get offa us!" Rumble added his voice to the din. "I'm gonna-MPH!" He barey got another word out before Buzzsaw was latched onto his faceplates, chirring, his side of the bond thrumming with happiness.

Finally overcoming his surprise, Jack got off of his younger siblings, staring at Buzzsaw... The armour was darker than he remembered, and the optics were different coloured, a yellow and a red.

"Buzzsaw's old frame: too damaged for repairs. Soundwave: Place personality component in new one." Soundwave monotoned from beside the cybercat, who looked up at his creator and purred, tail flicking in contentment.

Jack didn't even have to say that he was glad to see his siblings again... It was clear within the bond they all shared, elation, happiness, relief, completion... All those and more swamped the sibling bond as they took in that they were all online again... Not swallowed into the dismal darkness of stasis.

"I see that you have repaired your simbiotes... I must say I'm impressed, given the damages done to their frames."

Jack looked up, just noticing that Shockwave had appeared in the room, and growled softly, lowering himself down, tense... Now that he had gotten his family returned to him, he wouldn't trust anyone but Soundwave to come near them... Not when there was so much that he could lose in a single moment of carelessly placed trust. He even noticed that Soundwave didn't seem all that pleased at the scientist's presence.

"Repairs: Difficult, not impossible." Soundwave responded as he turned his blank visor onto the one-opticed behemoth, slightly in front of his creations in a protective gesture, that none but his creations would 

"A logical explanation." Shockwave responded, approaching now, the heavy pedesteps sending tremors through the desk as Jack crouched lower, torn by wanting to protect his siblings and the mindset of Ravage, that claimed that Shockwave was an ally, and of little danger to them while Soundwave was present and they were in the favour of Megatron.

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