Chapter 1 - The Move

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As she was getting the last of her belongings from her bedroom, she looked out of her old window one last time before heading out. The young girl walked down the stairs and looked around one last time before heading to the front door.

"Beca, we need to go" The older woman spoke to the younger girl as she saw her come to the front door.

"I'm coming, Mum." She replied. "Just, why so far. Why?"

"Becs, you know why, you need to start a fresh and get out of this area, there's too many memories, and not good ones either. You agreed"

"I know, I know"

All Beca just did was smile to her mother before walking out of the house and closing the front door carefully. She walked to the car to put her stuff in.

Beca Mitchell is 15 years old and has long brown hair. She smokes, she's got brown eyes and is a short 5-foot 1 person. She enjoys listening to music and playing her guitar. Beca without music is like bread without butter, you don't ever see her without music. She lives in music. Music was the only thing that kept her going, ever since her Dad died two years from a car crash. Her parents split up about a year before the crash because he was having an affair.

Beca's mum's name is Jordan Mitchell and she is 36 years old. Jordan is one of the sweetest, caring and such a sensitive human being you'd ever meet. She has long blonde hair, brown eyes and is 5 foot 6. They're moving because of Beca's school and Jordan's job.

You see Beca had always a disruption in school, she could never concentrate fully, so she would get in trouble, or sent out. But when she found out her Dad was having an affair, it was a completely different situation. She had no one to talk to, she became angry at everything and at the world. She became closed off, started skipping lessons, she started smoking. It took her a while, but when she did open-up to people at school, it just got a whole lot worse for her, where by the end of the year, she'd gotten kicked out. Which she was happy about, she was moving anyway, so it didn't matter. But they couldn't move until the end of Summer as Jordan needed to stay there to finish a case, which took longer than she thought.

Jordan and Beca are moving from New York to Atlanta, Georgia.

"Is that everything?" Jordan asked Beca.


"Great, the airport's 45 minutes away, so we'll get food there. Let's get out of here"  

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