Chapter 15 - The Talk

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John closed his office door and sat down.

"Is everything ok with Beca?" She was very nervous. She hadn't once been called in to see the head since Beca started here.

"Let's just say, it's been an eventful morning. Before we start, would you like a drink?"

"Just a water, please?"


"Yes, John?"

"Can you bring a water in for Jordan, please?"

"Of course"

Rita came in the office with a glass of water for Jordan.

"Right, I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news here, but, erm, Beca has walked, well, I'll rephrase that, she's stormed out, not once, but twice in the past hour and a half. I was able to catch up with her the first time but then she was able to get on her bike and go, and after she got back, she stormed out about 20 minutes ago, I couldn't catch up with her this time."

"You're kidding me right? Oh god, I'm ever ever so sorry, she's not done that since her last school"

"Unfortunately, no, I'm really sorry"

"I'm sorry I thought she was past the disruptive stage when she joined"

"She is, well sort of, she does still struggle, I've asked the faculty to let me know if she gets sent out, and they do. However, since her being here, this is the first time I've dealt head on with her anger. I need to ask you something. What do you know about a Miss Aubrey Posen?

"I know she was her old teacher. I tried getting Beca to open up, but she just shut me out. At first I was able to just talk to her, but something changed when her Dad passed away, and that was when she went off the rails. I had a few meeting with her and the previous head of Beca's school, but I don't know. Beca kept saying something about constantly failing her, but other than that, I don't know. Her old school never really got me in unless it was to deal with her anger. As you know, she can lash out. She did used to be Beca's counsellor, but that didn't last long. In the end Beca would just be home. Then one day, she hit her head, and that was it, expulsion"

"I'm sorry, I spoke to Aubrey and she made it out like it was a personality clash"

Jordan said nothing other than just nodded.

"She's not a counsellor, here is she?"

"Who, Aubrey? No, just an English teacher. Look, I will be honest, I don't want to do anything drastic about Beca's behaviour because this is the first slip up, she'd had since arriving. However, until I have seen the proof myself, or she comes and talks to one of us, I can't do much. I can look into it, but there's only so much I can do, until she makes a complaint"

"No, I get that. What's happening with Beca?"

"Well this is the bad bit, I had Aubrey in here with me, but she said she wouldn't talk unless she was out. But as I don't know the ins and outs, I said she was staying, and I threatened to suspend her. So, she said suspend me and in her words 'welcome to hell' and that was that. If you can get her to come in tomorrow and bring her in that'd be great, otherwise, yes she's on a week's suspension"

"Ok, you said about her anger, how bad was it?"

"No bad, no one got hurt, but she did use a lot of language and a lot of doors were slammed, so it could've been worse. I have seen her file. I know what I'm dealing with. Please don't think we're going to give up on her, because we're not. My rule is to never give up on a student"

"Look I am sorry, John, I will talk to her"

"Ok, please bring her in if you can, otherwise like I say, she's on a week's suspension"

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