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She took a very long time getting ready. I stared at her as she fussed over all her makeup she had laid out on the counter. I wanted to ask why she couldn't just conjure up a look, but alas, I was incapable.

It was kinda funny though, watching her struggle to do all of it. It was obvious she hadn't touched this stuff in a very, very long time.

Batilda caught me staring the mirror and must've read my thoughts. "I am not going to use magic until my job is completed. I am too close to the finish line to reveal I've been cheating this whole time. So, stupid stuff like this I have to do myself."

I almost rolled my eyes. Of course.

A knock came at the door. Why are so many people knocking today?

"Hey, Cassidy, I just wanted to let you know that you should show up separately from the prince, since you two aren't mated yet. It's like, protocol, or something. I don't know."

Batilda rolled her eyes. "Thanks, Sapphire! I'll be downstairs in fifteen minutes." Her voice was sugar sweet, but her look was not.

I heard Sapphires footsteps retreat down the hall, until I couldn't hear them anymore.

"That girl annoys me. I want her dead too." She smiled at herself in the mirror, laughing.

I sat down on the bed, looking at the hideous brown dress next to me. I was probably the least caught up person in fashion, but I knew this would send any fashion designer into cardiac arrest. It was that bad.

All too soon, Batilda was done. "Come here." She told me. I hesitantly got up, and she pulled out the chair to the dresser. "Sit."

I tensed, but obeyed. That's all I could do when it came to her, anyway.

She picked up a tube and pulled out a black wand. "Keep your eyes slightly open, or else you'll make me stab them."

So I followed instructions, and she started to apply mascara on me. She was gentle, a side of her I had never seen.

"You know, none of the other girls really seemed as promising as you did. Wendy was beautiful, always the prettiest, but she didn't feel special. Daisy and Millie were too joined at the hip to ever give me any idea that only one of them would be the one. Penelope was charismatic, and strong, and everything a Luna queen is supposed to be. I was slightly surprised she wasn't the prince's mate, to be honest, but that only further cemented my idea that it was you."

I didn't move, didn't try to communicate. I only listened.

"Maybe that's why I decided to take your voice away. It certainly made this all much easier, but that doesn't mean you couldn't give hints other ways. I know, dearie. I knew this whole time. But it doesn't matter now. You had your chance. And you fucking blew it. I mean, it's kinda sad. Any other living thing would've tried to at least escape. And you sort of did, telling the prince. Don't worry, he didn't tell me anything. I don't exactly know what you said, I just know. But you did such a shit attempt at escaping that it truly makes me happy. This is why you have always been my favorite, Florence."

I gulped, and pushed my way out of the chair, walking away from her. I felt vile, and I wanted to sob. How had she made me feel so worthless in two minutes?

"You must not have loved your family enough to give such half assed attempted at escape."

I spun around on my heel and glared at her, my eyes narrow and my stare colder than ice. But her words struck a nerve. Had I not loved them enough to risk my life to get out?

The Luna CureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz