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Oh my goddess.

Oh my goddess oh my goddess oh my goddess. Had that just happened?

I couldn't seem to think straight.

I had since left the records room, going down a million hallways, until I finally decided I was completely lost. Currently, I was hiding out in an odd room, with a pool table and a few other games in it. I had no idea how to play any of them, so I found myself silently sitting on the leather couches by the back of the room. They faced opposite from the door, but at least there were no windows in this room. I liked the darkness of the room.

Another reason I liked the room was the silence. I never heard footsteps outside the door, or snow or cars from windows like I did in every other room. I could finally hear myself think, which was very much a necessity after what had just happened.

My thoughts made my head spin as I faced the corner of the room. I didn't know what on earth I was still doing in this palace. My goals of getting away from Batilda and freeing Milly and Daisy had been accomplished. So what was I still doing here?

I couldn't leave without getting rejected first. It would be far easier for Dante to find me with him already knowing my scent, and it wouldn't be fair to Dante. He had been so helpful and kind to me that it wouldn't be right to just abandon him without a word.

But by goddess, he wasn't understanding me. He didn't realize that the best option was for him to reject me. He could find a suitable mate, and I could be relieved of being the queen. Then, I could figure things out. Alone, with all my choices my own. I practically sighed at the thought. It seemed nice.

My thoughts were finally interrupted when I heard the door open, and two pairs of footsteps came in.

My breath caught. I didn't want to be found, not this early. I wanted more peace and quiet, away from all the royals.

The hope that it was simply maids was crushed when I heard Finn speak. "I'm going to kick your ass today, I promise." He slurred, and I almost slapped my forehead. Of course. Finn always seemed to be everywhere.

A laugh followed Finn's promise. You've got to be kidding me, I thought. Dante laughed again, replying, "If you win, it'll only be because I'm hammered."

Finn walked towards the wall I was facing, and I saw him at the other end of the room at the table, where multiple things of clear liquid sat in crystal decanters. "I'm drunk too, but I'm still gonna beat you." Pouring two glasses, he went back to the side of the room behind the couch where I couldn't see.

"You set up this time," Finn told Dante, and I heard the shuffle of pool balls on the felt table. "I'm gonna go first, 'cause I'm better than you."

Dante scoffed, but seemed to allow his friend to do it, from his lack of protests. The crack of the balls knocking into each other and the walls of the table sounded, and Finn whooped. "I'm stripes, bitch. Take that." He moved around, before stopping, and then hit the balls again. He groaned, and I guessed he didn't make any in this time.

Dante laughed at his friend. "Way to scratch. I really appreciate it." I heard the swish of liquid in glass, and then Dante took another sip.

Goddess, I was stuck in here. There was no way I could leave with them still playing their game, and I couldn't be caught. So I kept my sounds to a minimum, and I didn't dare move, knowing the couch would make noise.

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