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I was going to kill the boys. It was official. They were dead.

"Hey, wait up!" Finn shouted from behind me. My hand was on the car door, and I didn't turn around and waste time with Finn as I opened the door and got in. "Okay, be like that." Finn said as he ran to the other door and hopped in.

"Where we going?" He breathed out. Ignoring him again, I shifted the car into drive and sped out of the garage, only stopping for the garage door to open. Then, I floored it out of the driveway.

"Okay, don't get me wrong, I'm with you on the whole angry about your mate thing. Like if—if I had a mate, per se, and she just went off with your idiot brothers, I'd be pissed too. Especially if she was injured. But I don't think she's going to respond well to your anger." He explained. I gave him a glare out of the corner of my eye.

"Man, when did you get so smart? A real fucking Einstein you are." I grumbled, taking a sharp left turn that had him hitting his head against the window. He swore, rubbing his head and sending me a cold look.

"I'm telling Florence you made me hit my head." He threatened, and then he took out a flask from his jacket. He took a long swig.

"Are you drunk?" It was a bad question. I hadn't realized until now that he reeked of Wolfsbane and his pupils were dilated.

This was going to be a long drive.

"I don't get drunk." He lied. I had seen him blackout far too many times for that statement to be true.

Going back to ignoring him, I sped the car up, merging back and forth to go faster. I knew the last thing Florence wanted was the paparazzi to discover her, but Tristan and Triton were stupid, and they'd be discovered the moment they exited the car.

We drove a few more minutes in silence before Finn decided to speak up again. "You know, it really sucks all that stuff happened to Florence. She seems nice." He commented, leaning his head back against the seat.

I simply raised a brow, focusing on the road as I took another rather sharp turn. "I think discussing Florence with you right now is a bad idea." I stated, not knowing what else to say. Agreeing that it does suck and that she is nice didn't seem like the right thing to do. And I wasn't in the mood to speak with a drunk Finn right now, either.

The car in front of us decided to drive under the speed limit and my hands gripped the steering wheel tighter. I merged quickly, speeding past the slow car, and almost got rear ended.

"Bro, you're gonna kill us trying to make sure people don't snap pictures of your mate. Calm down." Finn said, flipping off all the cars we passed.

"You're too Americanized, idiot. You know that's not how they do it here."

He groaned. "You live in Georgia half the fucking time, dude. You're just as Americanized as I am." He replied, as he switched his middle finger to a bras d'honneur at the passing cars.

I rolled my eyes but responded with silence. We had just got off the bridge and back onto the mainland, which meant traffic was easier to navigate.

Finn took another long drink from his flask. "I don't understand women, either, bro." He commented.

Giving him the side glare, I took another sharp, jerky turn to go around the slow car in front of us. "I understand women. I don't understand Florence." I grumbled, focusing back on the road.

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